Merge pull request 'Update Hexstring for binary' (#1) from dev into master
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 88 additions and 57 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Stack integration
- Borsh serialization for `HexString`
- `Read` implementation for `HexString`
### Changed
@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
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Fast and safe representation of a hex string
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
name: hexstring
version: 0.12.0
synopsis: Fast and safe representation of a hex string
description: Provides an interface for converting any object that has a 'Binary' instance to and from a hexadecimal Text representation.
author: Rene Vergara,
@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ library
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base16-bytestring
, binary
, borsh >=0.2
, bytestring
, foreign-rust
, generics-sop
, text
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: hexstring
version: 0.12.0
git: ""
license: MIT
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ library:
- bytestring
- base16-bytestring
- aeson
- generics-sop
- borsh >= 0.2
- foreign-rust
@ -1,69 +1,91 @@
module Data.HexString ( HexString
, hexString
, fromBinary
, toBinary
, fromBytes
, toBytes
, toText ) where
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative (pure)
module Data.HexString
( HexString(..)
, hexString
, fromRawBytes
, fromBinary
, toBytes
, fromText
, toText
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Codec.Borsh
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as BS16 (decodeLenient, encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as BS16 (decode, decodeLenient, encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Binary as B (Binary, decode, encode)
import Data.Structured
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Binary as B (Binary, decode, encode)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import Text.Read
-- | Represents a Hex string. Guarantees that all characters it contains
-- are valid hex characters.
data HexString =
HexString BS.ByteString
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord )
newtype HexString = HexString
{ hexBytes :: BS.ByteString
} deriving stock (Eq, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct HexString
instance Prelude.Show HexString where
show = T.unpack . toText
instance Read HexString where
readsPrec _ s = [((fromText . T.pack) s, "")]
instance FromJSON HexString where
parseJSON = withText "HexString" $ pure . hexString . TE.encodeUtf8
instance ToJSON HexString where
toJSON = String . toText
toJSON = Data.Aeson.String . toText
-- | Smart constructor which validates that all the text are actually
-- hexadecimal characters.
hexString :: BS.ByteString -> HexString
hexString bs =
let isValidHex :: Word8 -> Bool
isValidHex c
| (48 <= c) && (c < 58) = True
| (97 <= c) && (c < 103) = True
| otherwise = False
in if BS.all isValidHex bs
then HexString bs
else error ("Not a valid hex string: " ++ show bs)
case BS16.decode bs of
Right s -> HexString s
Left e -> error e
-- | Converts a 'B.Binary' to a 'HexString' value
fromBinary :: B.Binary a => a -> HexString
fromBinary = hexString . BS16.encode . BSL.toStrict . B.encode
fromBinary :: B.Binary a => a -> HexString
fromBinary = HexString . BSL.toStrict . B.encode
-- | Converts a 'HexString' to a 'B.Binary' value
toBinary :: B.Binary a => HexString -> a
toBinary (HexString bs) = B.decode . BSL.fromStrict . BS16.decodeLenient $ bs
toBinary (HexString bs) = (B.decode . BSL.fromStrict) bs
-- | Reads a 'BS.ByteString' as raw bytes and converts to hex representation. We
-- cannot use the instance Binary of 'BS.ByteString' because it provides
-- a leading length, which is not what we want when dealing with raw bytes.
fromBytes :: BS.ByteString -> HexString
fromBytes = hexString . BS16.encode
fromRawBytes :: BS.ByteString -> HexString
fromRawBytes = HexString
-- | Access to the raw bytes in a 'BS.ByteString' format.
toBytes :: HexString -> BS.ByteString
toBytes (HexString bs) = BS16.decodeLenient bs
toBytes (HexString bs) = bs
-- | Reads a human-readable hex string into a `HexString`
fromText :: T.Text -> HexString
fromText = hexString . TE.encodeUtf8
-- | Access to a 'T.Text' representation of the 'HexString'
toText :: HexString -> T.Text
toText (HexString bs) = TE.decodeUtf8 bs
toText (HexString bs) = (TE.decodeUtf8 . BS16.encode) bs
@ -2,3 +2,9 @@ resolver: lts-21.22
- .
- git:
commit: d2fcfa159e0a844b1ec5e8ed3e232d4b380fa831
- git:
commit: 787c2e813eb3a5d16c375d4b37dfefbd2adcdf05
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.HexStringSpec where
import Data.HexString ( hexString
, fromBytes
, toBytes )
import Data.HexString (fromRawBytes, fromText, hexString, toBytes, toText)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "when constructing a hex string" $ do
it "should accept strings that fall within a valid range" $
hexString (BS8.pack "0123456789abcdef") `shouldBe` hexString (BS8.pack "0123456789abcdef")
it "should reject strings outside the range" $ do
putStrLn (show (hexString (BS8.pack "/"))) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
putStrLn (show (hexString (BS8.pack ":"))) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
putStrLn (show (hexString (BS8.pack "`"))) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
putStrLn (show (hexString (BS8.pack "g"))) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
print (hexString (BS8.pack "/")) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
print (hexString (BS8.pack ":")) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
print (hexString (BS8.pack "`")) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
print (hexString (BS8.pack "g")) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
describe "when interpreting a hex string" $ do
it "should convert the hex string properly when interpreting as bytes" $
toBytes (hexString (BS8.pack "ffff")) `shouldBe` BS8.pack "\255\255"
toBytes (hexString "ffff") `shouldBe` BS8.pack "\255\255"
it "should convert bytes to the proper hex string" $
fromBytes (BS8.pack "\255\255") `shouldBe` hexString (BS8.pack "ffff")
fromRawBytes (BS8.pack "\255\255") `shouldBe` hexString (BS8.pack "ffff")
it "should convert the hex string to text" $
toText (hexString "ffff") `shouldBe` "ffff"
it "should read text into the hex string" $
fromText "ffff" `shouldBe` hexString (BS8.pack "ffff")
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