Support for Zebra 2.1.0 #102
2 changed files with 43 additions and 11 deletions
@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Rust.Marshall.Variable
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (decodeSaplingAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeExchangeAddress
, decodeTransparentAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (encodeBech32, encodeBech32m, f4Jumble)
@ -221,8 +226,33 @@ getOrchardNotePosition :: OrchardWitness -> Integer
getOrchardNotePosition =
fromIntegral . rustWrapperReadOrchardPosition . hexBytes . orchWit
-- | Update the witness of an Orchard note
updateOrchardWitness :: OrchardWitness -> [HexString] -> OrchardWitness
updateOrchardWitness wit cmus =
OrchardWitness $
withPureBorshVarBuffer $
rustWrapperUpdateOrchardWitness (toBytes $ orchWit wit) (map toBytes cmus)
-- | Parse a potential Zcash address
parseAddress :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe ValidAddress
parseAddress t =
case isValidUnifiedAddress t of
Nothing ->
case decodeSaplingAddress t of
Nothing ->
case decodeTransparentAddress t of
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress t of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just $ Exchange x
Just t -> Just $ Transparent t
Just s -> Just $ Sapling s
Just u -> Just $ Unified u
compareAddress :: ValidAddress -> UnifiedAddress -> Bool
compareAddress a u =
case a of
Unified i -> i == u
Sapling s -> s_rec u == Just (sa_receiver s) && ua_net u == net_type s
Transparent t -> t_rec u == Just (ta_receiver t) && ua_net u == ta_network t
Exchange x -> False
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- Copyright 2022-2024 Vergara Technologies LLC
-- This file is part of Zcash-Haskell.
@ -172,27 +174,27 @@ decodeTransparentAddress taddress = do
-- | Encode an Exchange Addresss into HRF from TransparentReceiver
encodeExchangeAddress :: ZcashNet -> TransparentReceiver -> Maybe T.Text
encodeExchangeAddress net tr = do
case (tr_type tr) of
case tr_type tr of
P2PKH -> do
case net of
MainNet -> do
let vhash = encodeBech32m (BC.pack "tex") (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
let vhash = encodeBech32m "tex" (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
Just vhash
TestNet -> do
let vhash = encodeBech32m (BC.pack "textest") (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
let vhash = encodeBech32m "textest" (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
Just vhash
_ -> Nothing
_any -> Nothing
-- | Decode an Exchange Address into a ExchangeAddress
decodeExchangeAddress :: T.Text -> Maybe ExchangeAddress
decodeExchangeAddress :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe ExchangeAddress
decodeExchangeAddress ex = do
if (T.length ex) > 1
if BS.length ex > 1
then do
let rawd = decodeBech32 (E.encodeUtf8 ex)
let tMain = BS.unpack (BC.pack "tex")
let tTest = BS.unpack (BC.pack "textest")
let tFail = BS.unpack (BC.pack "fail")
let hr = BS.unpack (hrp rawd)
let rawd = decodeBech32 ex
let tMain = "tex"
let tTest = "textest"
let tFail = "fail"
let hr = hrp rawd
if hr /= tFail
then do
let transparentReceiver = bytes rawd
Add table
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