RPC: Viewing Keys #113
11 changed files with 408 additions and 360 deletions
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import System.IO
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import Zenith.CLI
import Zenith.CLI
import Zenith.Core (clearSync, testSync)
import Zenith.GUI (runZenithGUI)
import Zenith.GUI (runZenithGUI)
import Zenith.Scanner (clearSync, rescanZebra)
import Zenith.Types (Config(..), ZcashAddress(..), ZcashPool(..), ZcashTx(..))
import Zenith.Types (Config(..), ZcashAddress(..), ZcashPool(..), ZcashTx(..))
import Zenith.Utils
import Zenith.Utils
import Zenith.Zcashd
import Zenith.Zcashd
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ main = do
"gui" -> runZenithGUI myConfig
"gui" -> runZenithGUI myConfig
"tui" -> runZenithTUI myConfig
"tui" -> runZenithTUI myConfig
"rescan" -> clearSync myConfig
"rescan" -> rescanZebra zebraHost zebraPort dbFilePath
_ -> printUsage
_ -> printUsage
else printUsage
else printUsage
@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
module Server where
module Server where
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Configurator
import Data.Configurator
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Servant
import Servant
import ZcashHaskell.Types (ZebraGetBlockChainInfo(..), ZebraGetInfo(..))
import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain, checkZebra)
import Zenith.DB (initDb)
import Zenith.RPC (ZenithRPC(..), authenticate, zenithServer)
import Zenith.RPC (ZenithRPC(..), authenticate, zenithServer)
import Zenith.Scanner (rescanZebra)
import Zenith.Types (Config(..))
import Zenith.Types (Config(..))
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
@ -19,5 +25,22 @@ main = do
nodePort <- require config "nodePort"
nodePort <- require config "nodePort"
let myConfig = Config dbFilePath zebraHost zebraPort nodeUser nodePwd nodePort
let myConfig = Config dbFilePath zebraHost zebraPort nodeUser nodePwd nodePort
let ctx = authenticate myConfig :. EmptyContext
let ctx = authenticate myConfig :. EmptyContext
run nodePort $
w <- try $ checkZebra zebraHost zebraPort :: IO (Either IOError ZebraGetInfo)
serveWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy ZenithRPC) ctx (zenithServer myConfig)
case w of
Right zebra -> do
bc <-
try $ checkBlockChain zebraHost zebraPort :: IO
(Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo)
case bc of
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Right chainInfo -> do
x <- initDb dbFilePath
case x of
Left e2 -> throwIO $ userError e2
Right x' -> do
when x' $ rescanZebra zebraHost zebraPort dbFilePath
run nodePort $
(Proxy :: Proxy ZenithRPC)
(zenithServer myConfig)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module ZenScan where
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Configurator
import Data.Configurator
import Zenith.Scanner (scanZebra)
import Zenith.Scanner (rescanZebra)
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ import qualified Brick.BChan as BC
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import Brick.Forms
import Brick.Forms
( Form(..)
( Form(..)
, FormFieldState
, (@@=)
, (@@=)
, allFieldsValid
, allFieldsValid
, editShowableField
, editShowableFieldWithValidate
, editShowableFieldWithValidate
, editTextField
, editTextField
, focusedFormInputAttr
, focusedFormInputAttr
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
, joinBorders
, joinBorders
, padAll
, padAll
, padBottom
, padBottom
, padLeft
, padTop
, padTop
, setAvailableSize
, setAvailableSize
, str
, str
@ -63,10 +60,10 @@ import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
import qualified Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch, throw, throwIO, try)
import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (forever, void)
import Control.Monad (forever, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (LoggingT, runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString (HexString(..), toText)
import Data.HexString (HexString(..), toText)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
@ -83,19 +80,15 @@ import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.TH
import Lens.Micro.TH
import System.Hclip
import System.Hclip
import Text.Printf
import Text.Printf
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..), wrapText)
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..))
import ZcashHaskell.Keys (generateWalletSeedPhrase, getWalletSeed)
import ZcashHaskell.Keys (generateWalletSeedPhrase)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (decodeSaplingAddress, isValidShieldedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeTransparentAddress
, encodeTransparentReceiver
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall)
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.Scanner (processTx, updateConfs)
import Zenith.Scanner (processTx, rescanZebra, updateConfs)
import Zenith.Types
import Zenith.Types
( Config(..)
( Config(..)
, PhraseDB(..)
, PhraseDB(..)
@ -722,9 +715,9 @@ abSelAttr = A.attrName "abselected"
abMBarAttr :: A.AttrName
abMBarAttr :: A.AttrName
abMBarAttr = A.attrName "menubar"
abMBarAttr = A.attrName "menubar"
scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> Int -> BC.BChan Tick -> IO ()
scanZebra ::
scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> Int -> BC.BChan Tick -> ZcashNet -> IO ()
_ <- liftIO $ initDb dbP
scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan net = do
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlock <- runNoLoggingT $ getMaxBlock pool
dbBlock <- runNoLoggingT $ getMaxBlock pool
@ -772,7 +765,7 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
Left e2 -> liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e2
Left e2 -> liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e2
Right hb -> do
Right hb -> do
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool) $
mapM_ (processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool (ZcashNetDB net)) $
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal step
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal step
addTime :: BlockResponse -> Int -> BlockResponse
addTime :: BlockResponse -> Int -> BlockResponse
@ -868,6 +861,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. eventDispatch)
(s ^. eventDispatch)
(s ^. network)
BT.modify $ set timer 0
BT.modify $ set timer 0
return ()
return ()
else BT.modify $ set timer $ 1 + s ^. timer
else BT.modify $ set timer $ 1 + s ^. timer
@ -1369,75 +1363,82 @@ runZenithTUI config = do
case bc of
case bc of
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Right chainInfo -> do
Right chainInfo -> do
initDb dbFilePath
x <- initDb dbFilePath
walList <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
case x of
accList <-
Left e2 -> throwIO $ userError e2
if not (null walList)
Right x' -> do
then runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool $ entityKey $ head walList
when x' $ rescanZebra host port dbFilePath
else return []
walList <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
addrList <-
accList <-
if not (null accList)
then runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return []
txList <-
if not (null addrList)
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrList
else return []
let block =
if not (null walList)
if not (null walList)
then zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal $ head walList
then runNoLoggingT $
else 0
getAccounts pool $ entityKey $ head walList
abookList <- getAdrBook pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
else return []
bal <-
addrList <-
if not (null accList)
if not (null accList)
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
then runNoLoggingT $
else return 0
getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head accList
uBal <-
else return []
if not (null accList)
txList <-
then getUnconfirmedBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
if not (null addrList)
else return 0
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrList
eventChan <- BC.newBChan 10
else return []
_ <-
let block =
forkIO $
if not (null walList)
forever $ do
then zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal $ head walList
BC.writeBChan eventChan (TickVal 0.0)
else 0
threadDelay 1000000
abookList <- getAdrBook pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
let buildVty = VC.mkVty V.defaultConfig
bal <-
initialVty <- buildVty
if not (null accList)
void $
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
M.customMain initialVty buildVty (Just eventChan) theApp $
else return 0
uBal <-
(zgb_net chainInfo)
if not (null accList)
(L.list WList (Vec.fromList walList) 1)
then getUnconfirmedBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
(L.list AcList (Vec.fromList accList) 0)
else return 0
(L.list AList (Vec.fromList addrList) 1)
eventChan <- BC.newBChan 10
(L.list TList (Vec.fromList txList) 1)
_ <-
("Start up Ok! Connected to Zebra " ++
forkIO $
(T.unpack . zgi_build) zebra ++ " on port " ++ show port ++ ".")
forever $ do
BC.writeBChan eventChan (TickVal 0.0)
(if null walList
threadDelay 1000000
then WName
let buildVty = VC.mkVty V.defaultConfig
else Blank)
initialVty <- buildVty
void $
(mkInputForm $ DialogInput "Main")
M.customMain initialVty buildVty (Just eventChan) theApp $
(F.focusRing [AList, TList])
(zgb_blocks chainInfo)
(zgb_net chainInfo)
(L.list WList (Vec.fromList walList) 1)
(L.list AcList (Vec.fromList accList) 0)
(L.list AList (Vec.fromList addrList) 1)
(L.list TList (Vec.fromList txList) 1)
("Start up Ok! Connected to Zebra " ++
(T.unpack . zgi_build) zebra ++
" on port " ++ show port ++ ".")
(if null walList
(mkSendForm 0 $ SendInput "" 0.0 "")
then WName
(L.list ABList (Vec.fromList abookList) 1)
else Blank)
(mkNewABForm (AdrBookEntry "" ""))
(mkInputForm $ DialogInput "Main")
(F.focusRing [AList, TList])
(zgb_blocks chainInfo)
Left e -> do
(mkSendForm 0 $ SendInput "" 0.0 "")
(L.list ABList (Vec.fromList abookList) 1)
(mkNewABForm (AdrBookEntry "" ""))
Left _e -> do
print $
print $
"No Zebra node available on port " <>
"No Zebra node available on port " <>
show port <> ". Check your configuration."
show port <> ". Check your configuration."
@ -728,48 +728,3 @@ syncWallet config w = do
_ <- updateOrchardWitnesses pool
_ <- updateOrchardWitnesses pool
_ <- liftIO $ updateWalletSync pool chainTip (entityKey w)
_ <- liftIO $ updateWalletSync pool chainTip (entityKey w)
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . getWalletTransactions pool) addrs
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . getWalletTransactions pool) addrs
testSync :: Config -> IO ()
testSync config = do
let dbPath = c_dbPath config
_ <- initDb dbPath
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
w <- getWallets pool TestNet
r <- mapM (syncWallet config) w
liftIO $ print r
{-let uaRead =-}
{-case uaRead of-}
{-Nothing -> print "wrong address"-}
{-Just ua -> do-}
{-startTime <- getCurrentTime-}
{-print startTime-}
{-tx <--}
{-(toSqlKey 1)-}
{-"sent with Zenith, test"-}
{-print tx-}
{-endTime <- getCurrentTime-}
{-print endTime-}
{-testSend :: IO ()-}
{-testSend = do-}
clearSync :: Config -> IO ()
clearSync config = do
let dbPath = c_dbPath config
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
_ <- initDb dbPath
_ <- clearWalletTransactions pool
w <- getWallets pool TestNet
liftIO $ mapM_ (updateWalletSync pool 0 . entityKey) w
w' <- liftIO $ getWallets pool TestNet
r <- mapM (syncWallet config) w'
liftIO $ print r
@ -18,12 +18,10 @@
module Zenith.DB where
module Zenith.DB where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..), throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Key, Value)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.HexString
import Data.HexString
import Data.List (group, sort)
import Data.List (group, sort)
@ -41,34 +39,29 @@ import Haskoin.Transaction.Common
, TxOut(..)
, TxOut(..)
, txHashToHex
, txHashToHex
import qualified Lens.Micro as ML ((&), (.~), (^.))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory, removeFile)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( DecodedNote(..)
( DecodedNote(..)
, OrchardAction(..)
, OrchardAction(..)
, OrchardBundle(..)
, OrchardBundle(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, OrchardWitness(..)
, OrchardWitness(..)
, SaplingBundle(..)
, SaplingBundle(..)
, SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
, SaplingSpendingKey(..)
, SaplingWitness(..)
, SaplingWitness(..)
, Scope(..)
, Scope(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, ShieldedSpend(..)
, ShieldedSpend(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, Transaction(..)
, Transaction(..)
, TransparentAddress(..)
, TransparentBundle(..)
, TransparentBundle(..)
, TransparentReceiver(..)
, TransparentReceiver(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
, decodeHexText
import Zenith.Types
import Zenith.Types
( Config(..)
( HexStringDB(..)
, HexStringDB(..)
, OrchardSpendingKeyDB(..)
, OrchardSpendingKeyDB(..)
, PhraseDB(..)
, PhraseDB(..)
, RseedDB(..)
, RseedDB(..)
@ -197,7 +190,8 @@ share
txId HexStringDB
txId HexStringDB
conf Int
conf Int
time Int
time Int
UniqueTx block txId
network ZcashNetDB
UniqueTx block txId network
deriving Show Eq
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId
@ -311,9 +305,53 @@ toZcashAddressAPI a =
-- | Initializes the database
-- | Initializes the database
initDb ::
initDb ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path to check
T.Text -- ^ The database path to check
-> IO ()
-> IO (Either String Bool)
initDb dbName = do
initDb dbName = do
PS.runSqlite dbName $ do runMigration migrateAll
print "Start database"
j <-
try $ PS.runSqlite dbName $ runMigrationQuiet migrateAll :: IO
(Either SomeException [T.Text])
case j of
Left e1 -> do
print e1
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbName
wallets <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do select . from $ table @ZcashWallet
accounts <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do select . from $ table @ZcashAccount
abook <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do select . from $ table @AddressBook
hDir <- getHomeDirectory
let backupDb = hDir </> "Zenith/.backup.db"
checkDbFile <- doesFileExist backupDb
when checkDbFile $ removeFile backupDb
_ <- PS.runSqlite (T.pack backupDb) $ runMigrationQuiet migrateAll
backupPool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ T.pack backupDb
_ <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool backupPool $ insertMany_ $ entityVal <$> wallets
_ <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool backupPool $ insertMany_ $ entityVal <$> accounts
_ <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool backupPool $ insertMany_ $ entityVal <$> abook
m <-
try $ PS.runSqlite dbName $ runMigrationQuiet migrateAll :: IO
(Either SomeException [T.Text])
case m of
Left _e2 -> return $ Left "Failed to migrate data tables"
Right _ -> return $ Right True
Right _ -> return $ Right False
initPool :: T.Text -> NoLoggingT IO ConnectionPool
initPool :: T.Text -> NoLoggingT IO ConnectionPool
initPool dbPath = do
initPool dbPath = do
@ -519,15 +557,16 @@ saveAddress pool w =
saveTransaction ::
saveTransaction ::
ConnectionPool -- ^ the database path
ConnectionPool -- ^ the database path
-> Int -- ^ block time
-> Int -- ^ block time
-> ZcashNetDB -- ^ the network
-> Transaction -- ^ The transaction to save
-> Transaction -- ^ The transaction to save
-> NoLoggingT IO (Key ZcashTransaction)
-> NoLoggingT IO (Key ZcashTransaction)
saveTransaction pool t wt =
saveTransaction pool t n wt =
PS.retryOnBusy $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
let ix = [0 ..]
let ix = [0 ..]
w <-
w <-
insert $
insert $
ZcashTransaction (tx_height wt) (HexStringDB $ tx_id wt) (tx_conf wt) t
ZcashTransaction (tx_height wt) (HexStringDB $ tx_id wt) (tx_conf wt) t n
when (isJust $ tx_transpBundle wt) $ do
when (isJust $ tx_transpBundle wt) $ do
_ <-
_ <-
insertMany_ $
insertMany_ $
@ -1499,6 +1538,32 @@ clearWalletTransactions pool = do
delete $ do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @WalletTransaction
_ <- from $ table @WalletTransaction
return ()
return ()
update $ \w -> do
set w [ZcashWalletLastSync =. val 0]
clearWalletData :: ConnectionPool -> IO ()
clearWalletData pool = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @TransparentNote
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @TransparentSpend
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @OrchAction
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @ShieldOutput
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @ShieldSpend
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @ZcashTransaction
return ()
getWalletUnspentTrNotes ::
getWalletUnspentTrNotes ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashAccountId -> IO [Entity WalletTrNote]
ConnectionPool -> ZcashAccountId -> IO [Entity WalletTrNote]
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import Codec.QRCode
import Codec.QRCode.JuicyPixels
import Codec.QRCode.JuicyPixels
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.HexString (toText)
import Data.HexString (toText)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Monomer
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Hclip
import Text.Printf
import Text.Printf
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..), wrapText)
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..), wrapText)
import TextShow hiding (toText)
import TextShow hiding (toText)
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( BlockResponse(..)
( BlockResponse(..)
, Phrase(..)
, Scope(..)
, Scope(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall)
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.GUI.Theme
import Zenith.GUI.Theme
import Zenith.Scanner (processTx, updateConfs)
import Zenith.Scanner (processTx, rescanZebra, updateConfs)
import Zenith.Types hiding (ZcashAddress(..))
import Zenith.Types hiding (ZcashAddress(..))
import Zenith.Utils
import Zenith.Utils
( displayAmount
( displayAmount
@ -1030,6 +1028,7 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
(c_dbPath $ model ^. configuration)
(c_dbPath $ model ^. configuration)
(c_zebraHost $ model ^. configuration)
(c_zebraHost $ model ^. configuration)
(c_zebraPort $ model ^. configuration)
(c_zebraPort $ model ^. configuration)
(model ^. network)
else [Model $ model & timer .~ 0]
else [Model $ model & timer .~ 0]
SyncVal i ->
SyncVal i ->
@ -1147,9 +1146,8 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
wL <- getWallets pool (model ^. network)
wL <- getWallets pool (model ^. network)
return $ LoadWallets wL
return $ LoadWallets wL
scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> (AppEvent -> IO ()) -> IO ()
scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> ZcashNet -> (AppEvent -> IO ()) -> IO ()
scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort sendMsg = do
scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort net sendMsg = do
_ <- liftIO $ initDb dbPath
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
@ -1192,7 +1190,7 @@ scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort sendMsg = do
Left e2 -> sendMsg (ShowError $ showt e2)
Left e2 -> sendMsg (ShowError $ showt e2)
Right hb -> do
Right hb -> do
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool) $
mapM_ (processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool (ZcashNetDB net)) $
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
sendMsg (SyncVal step)
sendMsg (SyncVal step)
addTime :: BlockResponse -> Int -> BlockResponse
addTime :: BlockResponse -> Int -> BlockResponse
@ -1267,128 +1265,87 @@ runZenithGUI config = do
case bc of
case bc of
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Right chainInfo -> do
Right chainInfo -> do
initDb dbFilePath
x <- initDb dbFilePath
generateQRCodes config
case x of
walList <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
Left e2 -> throwIO $ userError e2
accList <-
Right x' -> do
if not (null walList)
when x' $ rescanZebra host port dbFilePath
then runNoLoggingT $
generateQRCodes config
getAccounts pool $ entityKey $ head walList
walList <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
else return []
accList <-
addrList <-
if not (null walList)
if not (null accList)
then runNoLoggingT $
then runNoLoggingT $
getAccounts pool $ entityKey $ head walList
getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return []
else return []
addrList <-
txList <-
if not (null accList)
if not (null addrList)
then runNoLoggingT $
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrList
getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return []
else return []
qr <-
txList <-
if not (null addrList)
if not (null addrList)
then getQrCode pool Orchard $ entityKey $ head addrList
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrList
else return Nothing
else return []
bal <-
qr <-
if not (null accList)
if not (null addrList)
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
then getQrCode pool Orchard $ entityKey $ head addrList
else return 0
else return Nothing
unconfBal <-
bal <-
if not (null accList)
if not (null accList)
then getUnconfirmedBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return 0
else return 0
let model =
unconfBal <-
if not (null accList)
then getUnconfirmedBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
(zgb_net chainInfo)
else return 0
let model =
(zgb_net chainInfo)
(if unconfBal == 0
then Nothing
else Just unconfBal)
(if unconfBal == 0
then Nothing
else Just unconfBal)
(SaveAddress $
if not (null accList)
then Just (head accList)
else Nothing)
(SaveAddress $
if not (null accList)
then Just (head accList)
else Nothing)
startApp model handleEvent buildUI (params hD)
Left e -> do
initDb dbFilePath
let model =
startApp model handleEvent buildUI (params hD)
Left _e -> print "Zebra not available"
(Just $
"Couldn't connect to Zebra on " <>
host <> ":" <> showt port <> ". Check your configuration.")
(Just 30000)
(SaveAddress Nothing)
startApp model handleEvent buildUI (params hD)
params hd =
params hd =
[ appWindowTitle "Zenith - Zcash Full Node Wallet"
[ appWindowTitle "Zenith - Zcash Full Node Wallet"
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Zenith.Types
( Config(..)
( Config(..)
, ZcashAccountAPI(..)
, ZcashAccountAPI(..)
, ZcashAddressAPI(..)
, ZcashAddressAPI(..)
, ZcashNoteAPI(..)
, ZcashWalletAPI(..)
, ZcashWalletAPI(..)
import Zenith.Utils (jsonNumber)
import Zenith.Utils (jsonNumber)
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ data ZenithMethod
| ListWallets
| ListWallets
| ListAccounts
| ListAccounts
| ListAddresses
| ListAddresses
| ListReceived
| UnknownMethod
| UnknownMethod
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ instance ToJSON ZenithMethod where
toJSON ListWallets = Data.Aeson.String "listwallets"
toJSON ListWallets = Data.Aeson.String "listwallets"
toJSON ListAccounts = Data.Aeson.String "listaccounts"
toJSON ListAccounts = Data.Aeson.String "listaccounts"
toJSON ListAddresses = Data.Aeson.String "listaddresses"
toJSON ListAddresses = Data.Aeson.String "listaddresses"
toJSON ListReceived = Data.Aeson.String "listreceived"
toJSON UnknownMethod = Data.Aeson.Null
toJSON UnknownMethod = Data.Aeson.Null
instance FromJSON ZenithMethod where
instance FromJSON ZenithMethod where
@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ instance FromJSON ZenithMethod where
"listwallets" -> pure ListWallets
"listwallets" -> pure ListWallets
"listaccounts" -> pure ListAccounts
"listaccounts" -> pure ListAccounts
"listaddresses" -> pure ListAddresses
"listaddresses" -> pure ListAddresses
"listreceived" -> pure ListReceived
_ -> pure UnknownMethod
_ -> pure UnknownMethod
data ZenithParams
data ZenithParams
@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ data ZenithParams
| BadParams
| BadParams
| AccountsParams !Int
| AccountsParams !Int
| AddressesParams !Int
| AddressesParams !Int
| NotesParams !T.Text
| TestParams !T.Text
| TestParams !T.Text
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
@ -82,24 +87,23 @@ instance ToJSON ZenithParams where
toJSON (AccountsParams n) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [jsonNumber n]
toJSON (AccountsParams n) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [jsonNumber n]
toJSON (AddressesParams n) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [jsonNumber n]
toJSON (AddressesParams n) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [jsonNumber n]
toJSON (TestParams t) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [Data.Aeson.String t]
toJSON (TestParams t) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [Data.Aeson.String t]
toJSON (NotesParams t) = Data.Aeson.Array $ V.fromList [Data.Aeson.String t]
data ZenithResponse
data ZenithResponse
= InfoResponse !T.Text !ZenithInfo
= InfoResponse !T.Text !ZenithInfo
| WalletListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashWalletAPI]
| WalletListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashWalletAPI]
| AccountListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashAccountAPI]
| AccountListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashAccountAPI]
| AddressListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashAddressAPI]
| AddressListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashAddressAPI]
| NoteListResponse !T.Text ![ZcashNoteAPI]
| ErrorResponse !T.Text !Double !T.Text
| ErrorResponse !T.Text !Double !T.Text
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
instance ToJSON ZenithResponse where
instance ToJSON ZenithResponse where
toJSON (InfoResponse t i) =
toJSON (InfoResponse t i) = packRpcResponse t i
object ["jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String), "id" .= t, "result" .= i]
toJSON (WalletListResponse i w) = packRpcResponse i w
toJSON (WalletListResponse i w) =
toJSON (AccountListResponse i a) = packRpcResponse i a
object ["jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String), "id" .= i, "result" .= w]
toJSON (AddressListResponse i a) = packRpcResponse i a
toJSON (AccountListResponse i a) =
toJSON (NoteListResponse i n) = packRpcResponse i n
object ["jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String), "id" .= i, "result" .= a]
toJSON (AddressListResponse i a) =
object ["jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String), "id" .= i, "result" .= a]
toJSON (ErrorResponse i c m) =
toJSON (ErrorResponse i c m) =
[ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String)
[ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String)
@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ instance ToJSON ZenithResponse where
instance FromJSON ZenithResponse where
instance FromJSON ZenithResponse where
parseJSON =
parseJSON =
withObject "ZenithParams" $ \obj -> do
withObject "ZenithResponse" $ \obj -> do
jr <- obj .: "jsonrpc"
jr <- obj .: "jsonrpc"
i <- obj .: "id"
i <- obj .: "id"
e <- obj .:? "error"
e <- obj .:? "error"
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ instance FromJSON ZenithResponse where
Object n' -> do
Object n' -> do
v1 <- n' .:? "lastSync"
v1 <- n' .:? "lastSync"
v2 <- n' .:? "wallet"
v2 <- n' .:? "wallet"
v3 <- n' .:? "ua"
case (v1 :: Maybe Int) of
case (v1 :: Maybe Int) of
Just _v1' -> do
Just _v1' -> do
k2 <- parseJSON r1
k2 <- parseJSON r1
@ -147,7 +152,12 @@ instance FromJSON ZenithResponse where
Just _v2' -> do
Just _v2' -> do
k3 <- parseJSON r1
k3 <- parseJSON r1
pure $ AccountListResponse i k3
pure $ AccountListResponse i k3
Nothing -> fail "Unknown object"
Nothing ->
case (v3 :: Maybe String) of
Just _v3' -> do
k4 <- parseJSON r1
pure $ AddressListResponse i k4
Nothing -> fail "Unknown object"
_anyOther -> fail "Malformed JSON"
_anyOther -> fail "Malformed JSON"
_anyOther -> fail "Malformed JSON"
_anyOther -> fail "Malformed JSON"
Just e1 -> pure $ ErrorResponse i (ecode e1) (emessage e1)
Just e1 -> pure $ ErrorResponse i (ecode e1) (emessage e1)
@ -220,6 +230,16 @@ instance FromJSON RpcCall where
pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses (AddressesParams x)
pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses (AddressesParams x)
else pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses BadParams
else pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses BadParams
_anyOther -> pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses BadParams
_anyOther -> pure $ RpcCall v i ListAddresses BadParams
ListReceived -> do
p <- obj .: "params"
case p of
Array a ->
if V.length a == 1
then do
x <- parseJSON $ V.head a
pure $ RpcCall v i ListReceived (NotesParams x)
else pure $ RpcCall v i ListReceived BadParams
_anyOther -> pure $ RpcCall v i ListReceived BadParams
type ZenithRPC
type ZenithRPC
= "status" :> Get '[ JSON] Value :<|> BasicAuth "zenith-realm" Bool :> ReqBody
= "status" :> Get '[ JSON] Value :<|> BasicAuth "zenith-realm" Bool :> ReqBody
@ -336,6 +356,11 @@ zenithServer config = getinfo :<|> handleRPC
(ZenithInfo "" (zgb_net bI) (zgi_build zI))
(ZenithInfo "" (zgb_net bI) (zgi_build zI))
_anyOtherParams ->
_anyOtherParams ->
return $ ErrorResponse (callId req) (-32602) "Invalid params"
return $ ErrorResponse (callId req) (-32602) "Invalid params"
ListReceived ->
case parameters req of
NotesParams x -> undefined
_anyOtherParams ->
return $ ErrorResponse (callId req) (-32602) "Invalid params"
authenticate :: Config -> BasicAuthCheck Bool
authenticate :: Config -> BasicAuthCheck Bool
authenticate config = BasicAuthCheck check
authenticate config = BasicAuthCheck check
@ -344,3 +369,7 @@ authenticate config = BasicAuthCheck check
if username == c_zenithUser config && password == c_zenithPwd config
if username == c_zenithUser config && password == c_zenithPwd config
then return $ Authorized True
then return $ Authorized True
else return Unauthorized
else return Unauthorized
packRpcResponse :: ToJSON a => T.Text -> a -> Value
packRpcResponse i x =
object ["jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: String), "id" .= i, "result" .= x]
@ -2,29 +2,22 @@
module Zenith.Scanner where
module Zenith.Scanner where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_, withAsync)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as CM (try)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, logErrorN, logInfoN, runNoLoggingT)
( LoggingT
, NoLoggingT
, logErrorN
, logInfoN
, runNoLoggingT
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString
import Data.HexString
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import GHC.Utils.Monad (concatMapM)
import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.), set)
import System.Console.AsciiProgress
import System.Console.AsciiProgress
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( BlockResponse(..)
( BlockResponse(..)
, RawZebraTx(..)
, RawZebraTx(..)
, Transaction(..)
, Transaction(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
, ZebraGetBlockChainInfo(..)
, ZebraGetBlockChainInfo(..)
, ZebraTxResponse(..)
, ZebraTxResponse(..)
, fromRawOBundle
, fromRawOBundle
@ -32,59 +25,68 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, fromRawTBundle
, fromRawTBundle
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall, readZebraTransaction)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall, readZebraTransaction)
import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain)
import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain, syncWallet)
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.DB
( getMaxBlock
( clearWalletData
, clearWalletTransactions
, getMaxBlock
, getMinBirthdayHeight
, getUnconfirmedBlocks
, getUnconfirmedBlocks
, getWallets
, initDb
, initDb
, initPool
, saveConfs
, saveConfs
, saveTransaction
, saveTransaction
, updateWalletSync
import Zenith.Types (Config(..), ZcashNetDB(..))
import Zenith.Utils (jsonNumber)
import Zenith.Utils (jsonNumber)
-- | Function to scan the Zcash blockchain through the Zebra node and populate the Zenith database
-- | Function to scan the Zcash blockchain through the Zebra node and populate the Zenith database
scanZebra ::
rescanZebra ::
Int -- ^ Starting block
T.Text -- ^ Host
-> T.Text -- ^ Host
-> Int -- ^ Port
-> Int -- ^ Port
-> T.Text -- ^ Path to database file
-> T.Text -- ^ Path to database file
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
-> IO ()
scanZebra b host port dbFilePath = do
rescanZebra host port dbFilePath = do
_ <- liftIO $ initDb dbFilePath
startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
logInfoN $ "Started sync: " <> T.pack (show startTime)
bc <-
bc <-
liftIO $ try $ checkBlockChain host port :: NoLoggingT
try $ checkBlockChain host port :: IO
(Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo)
(Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo)
case bc of
case bc of
Left e -> logErrorN $ T.pack (show e)
Left e -> print e
Right bStatus -> do
Right bStatus -> do
let dbInfo =
let znet = ZcashNetDB $ zgb_net bStatus
mkSqliteConnectionInfo dbFilePath & extraPragmas .~
pool1 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
["read_uncommited = true"]
pool2 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
pool <- createSqlitePoolFromInfo dbInfo 5
pool3 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool
clearWalletTransactions pool1
clearWalletData pool1
dbBlock <- runNoLoggingT $ getMaxBlock pool1
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool1
let sb = max dbBlock b
let sb = max dbBlock b
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Invalid starting block for scan"
then liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Invalid starting block for scan"
else do
else do
liftIO $
print $
print $
"Scanning from " ++ show sb ++ " to " ++ show (zgb_blocks bStatus)
"Scanning from " ++
let bList = [sb .. (zgb_blocks bStatus)]
show (sb + 1) ++ " to " ++ show (zgb_blocks bStatus)
let bList = [(sb + 1) .. (zgb_blocks bStatus)]
let batch = length bList `div` 3
displayConsoleRegions $ do
let bl1 = take batch bList
pg <-
let bl2 = take batch $ drop batch bList
liftIO $
let bl3 = drop (2 * batch) bList
newProgressBar def {pgTotal = fromIntegral $ length bList}
txList <-
_ <-
CM.try $ mapM_ (processBlock host port pool pg) bList :: NoLoggingT
displayConsoleRegions $ do
pg1 <- newProgressBar def {pgTotal = fromIntegral $ length bList}
(Either IOError ())
{-pg2 <- newProgressBar def {pgTotal = fromIntegral $ length bl2}-}
case txList of
{-pg3 <- newProgressBar def {pgTotal = fromIntegral $ length bl3}-}
Left e1 -> logErrorN $ T.pack (show e1)
mapM_ (processBlock host port pool1 pg1 znet) bList
Right txList' -> logInfoN "Finished scan"
{-mapM_ (processBlock host port pool2 pg2 znet) bl2 `concurrently_`-}
{-mapM_ (processBlock host port pool3 pg3 znet) bl3-}
print "Please wait..."
print "Rescan complete"
-- | Function to process a raw block and extract the transaction information
-- | Function to process a raw block and extract the transaction information
processBlock ::
processBlock ::
@ -92,9 +94,10 @@ processBlock ::
-> Int -- ^ Port for `zebrad`
-> Int -- ^ Port for `zebrad`
-> ConnectionPool -- ^ DB file path
-> ConnectionPool -- ^ DB file path
-> ProgressBar -- ^ Progress bar
-> ProgressBar -- ^ Progress bar
-> ZcashNetDB -- ^ the network
-> Int -- ^ The block number to process
-> Int -- ^ The block number to process
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
-> IO ()
processBlock host port pool pg b = do
processBlock host port pool pg net b = do
r <-
r <-
liftIO $
liftIO $
@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ processBlock host port pool pg b = do
Left e2 -> liftIO $ throwIO $ userError e2
Left e2 -> liftIO $ throwIO $ userError e2
Right hb -> do
Right hb -> do
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
mapM_ (processTx host port blockTime pool) $
mapM_ (processTx host port blockTime pool net) $
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
liftIO $ tick pg
liftIO $ tick pg
@ -134,9 +137,10 @@ processTx ::
-> Int -- ^ Port for `zebrad`
-> Int -- ^ Port for `zebrad`
-> Int -- ^ Block time
-> Int -- ^ Block time
-> ConnectionPool -- ^ DB file path
-> ConnectionPool -- ^ DB file path
-> ZcashNetDB -- ^ the network
-> HexString -- ^ transaction id
-> HexString -- ^ transaction id
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
-> IO ()
processTx host port bt pool t = do
processTx host port bt pool net t = do
r <-
r <-
liftIO $
liftIO $
@ -151,7 +155,8 @@ processTx host port bt pool t = do
Nothing -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
Just rzt -> do
Just rzt -> do
_ <-
_ <-
saveTransaction pool bt $
runNoLoggingT $
saveTransaction pool bt net $
(ztr_blockheight rawTx)
(ztr_blockheight rawTx)
@ -184,3 +189,27 @@ updateConfs host port pool = do
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e
Right blk -> do
Right blk -> do
saveConfs pool b $ fromInteger $ bl_confirmations blk
saveConfs pool b $ fromInteger $ bl_confirmations blk
clearSync :: Config -> IO ()
clearSync config = do
let zHost = c_zebraHost config
let zPort = c_zebraPort config
let dbPath = c_dbPath config
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
bc <-
try $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort :: IO
(Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo)
case bc of
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Right chainInfo -> do
x <- initDb dbPath
case x of
Left e2 -> throwIO $ userError e2
Right x' -> do
when x' $ rescanZebra zHost zPort dbPath
_ <- clearWalletTransactions pool
w <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
liftIO $ mapM_ (updateWalletSync pool 0 . entityKey) w
w' <- liftIO $ getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
r <- mapM (syncWallet config) w'
liftIO $ print r
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"Address": {
"Address": {
"name": "Address identifier",
"name": "Address identifier",
"summary": "The address identifier",
"summary": "The address identifier",
"description": "A string that identifies a specific address, either by its index or the address itself",
"description": "A string that identifies a specific address, either by its index or the [ZIP-316](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0316) encoded address itself",
"required": true,
"required": true,
"schema": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"type": "string"
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ library
, aeson
, aeson
, array
, array
, async
, ascii-progress
, ascii-progress
, base >=4.12 && <5
, base >=4.12 && <5
, base64-bytestring
, base64-bytestring
@ -113,19 +114,6 @@ executable zenith
pkgconfig-depends: rustzcash_wrapper
pkgconfig-depends: rustzcash_wrapper
default-language: Haskell2010
default-language: Haskell2010
executable zenscan
ghc-options: -main-is ZenScan -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
main-is: ZenScan.hs
base >=4.12 && <5
, configurator
, monad-logger
, zenith
pkgconfig-depends: rustzcash_wrapper
default-language: Haskell2010
executable zenithserver
executable zenithserver
ghc-options: -main-is Server -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
ghc-options: -main-is Server -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
main-is: Server.hs
main-is: Server.hs
@ -137,6 +125,7 @@ executable zenithserver
, wai-extra
, wai-extra
, warp
, warp
, servant-server
, servant-server
, zcash-haskell
, zenith
, zenith
pkgconfig-depends: rustzcash_wrapper
pkgconfig-depends: rustzcash_wrapper
default-language: Haskell2010
default-language: Haskell2010
Add table
Reference in a new issue