RPC: Viewing Keys #113
9 changed files with 346 additions and 202 deletions
@ -870,9 +870,16 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan znet = do
BC.writeBChan eChan $
TickMsg "Failed to update unconfirmed transactions"
Right _ -> do
logDebugN "Updated confirmations"
logDebugN "Starting commitment tree update"
_ <- updateCommitmentTrees pool zHost zPort (ZcashNetDB znet)
logDebugN "Finished tree update"
_ <- liftIO $ completeSync pool Successful
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "startSync"
return ()
else liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal 1.0
else do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal 1.0
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "startSync"
processBlock :: ConnectionPool -> Float -> Int -> IO ()
processBlock pool step bl = do
@ -920,28 +927,8 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
TickMsg m -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
TxIdDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> BT.modify $ set msg m
AdrBookEntryDisplay -> return ()
BlankDisplay -> return ()
TickTx txid -> do
BT.modify $ set sentTx (Just txid)
BT.modify $ set displayBox TxIdDisplay
TickVal v -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
TxIdDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> return ()
AdrBookEntryDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> do
if s ^. barValue == 1.0
MsgDisplay -> do
if m == "startSync"
then do
selWallet <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
@ -968,8 +955,34 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
updatedState <- BT.get
ns <- liftIO $ refreshWallet updatedState
BT.put ns
BT.modify $ set msg ""
BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
else return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
TxIdDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> BT.modify $ set msg m
AdrBookEntryDisplay -> return ()
BlankDisplay -> return ()
TickTx txid -> do
BT.modify $ set sentTx (Just txid)
BT.modify $ set displayBox TxIdDisplay
TickVal v -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
TxIdDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> return ()
AdrBookEntryDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> do
if s ^. barValue == 1.0
then do
BT.modify $ set msg "Decoding, please wait..."
BT.modify $ set barValue 0.0
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
else BT.modify $ set barValue $ validBarValue (v + s ^. barValue)
BlankDisplay -> do
case s ^. dialogBox of
@ -990,7 +1003,9 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
then do
BT.modify $ set barValue 0.0
BT.modify $ set displayBox SyncDisplay
sBlock <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
sBlock <-
liftIO $
getMinBirthdayHeight pool (ZcashNetDB $ s ^. network)
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
@ -1215,7 +1230,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. network)
(entityKey selAcc)
(bl + 5)
(fs1 ^. sendAmt)
(fs1 ^. sendTo)
(fs1 ^. sendMemo)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Data.Binary.Get hiding (getBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.HexString (HexString, hexBytes, hexString, toBytes, toText)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific, toBoundedInteger)
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
, genOrchardSpendingKey
, getOrchardFrontier
, getOrchardNotePosition
, getOrchardTreeParts
, getOrchardWitness
, isValidUnifiedAddress
, updateOrchardCommitmentTree
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
, genSaplingSpendingKey
, getSaplingFrontier
, getSaplingNotePosition
, getSaplingTreeParts
, getSaplingWitness
, updateSaplingCommitmentTree
, updateSaplingWitness
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Utils
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.Tree
import Zenith.Types
( Config(..)
, HexStringDB(..)
@ -303,85 +306,61 @@ findSaplingOutputs config b znet za = do
let zn = getNet znet
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
tList <- liftIO $ getShieldedOutputs pool b znet
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort znet (b - 1)
logDebugN "getting Sapling frontier"
let sT = getSaplingFrontier $ SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
sT <- liftIO $ getSaplingTree pool
case sT of
Nothing ->
liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Failed to read Sapling commitment tree"
Just sT' -> do
logDebugN "Sapling frontier valid"
decryptNotes sT' zn pool tList
Just (sT', treeSync) -> do
logDebugN "Sapling tree valid"
mapM_ (decryptNotes sT' zn pool) tList
sapNotes <- liftIO $ getWalletSapNotes pool (entityKey za)
liftIO $ findSapSpends pool (entityKey za) sapNotes
sk :: SaplingSpendingKeyDB
sk = zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal za
decryptNotes ::
Tree SaplingNode
-> ZcashNet
-> ConnectionPool
-> [(Entity ZcashTransaction, Entity ShieldOutput)]
-> (Entity ZcashTransaction, Entity ShieldOutput)
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
decryptNotes _ _ _ [] = return ()
decryptNotes st n pool ((zt, o):txs) = do
let updatedTree =
(getHex $ shieldOutputCmu $ entityVal o)
logDebugN "updated frontier"
case updatedTree of
Nothing ->
liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Failed to update commitment tree"
Just uT -> do
let noteWitness = getSaplingWitness uT
logDebugN "got witness"
let notePos = getSaplingNotePosition <$> noteWitness
decryptNotes st n pool (zt, o) = do
case getNotePosition st $ fromSqlKey $ entityKey o of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Couldn't find sapling note in commitment tree"
return ()
Just nP -> do
logDebugN "got position"
case notePos of
Nothing ->
liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Failed to obtain note position"
Just nP -> do
case decodeShOut External n nP o of
case decodeShOut External n nP o of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN "couldn't decode external"
case decodeShOut Internal n nP o of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN "couldn't decode external"
case decodeShOut Internal n nP o of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN "couldn't decode internal"
decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn1 -> do
wId <-
liftIO $ saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
liftIO $
(fromJust noteWitness)
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn0 -> do
logDebugN "couldn't decode internal"
Just dn1 -> do
wId <- liftIO $ saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
liftIO $
(fromJust noteWitness)
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn0 -> do
wId <- liftIO $ saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
liftIO $
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
decodeShOut ::
-> ZcashNet
-> Integer
-> Entity ShieldOutput
-> Maybe DecodedNote
Scope -> ZcashNet -> Int32 -> Entity ShieldOutput -> Maybe DecodedNote
decodeShOut scope n pos s = do
(getSapSK sk)
@ -394,7 +373,7 @@ findSaplingOutputs config b znet za = do
(getHex $ shieldOutputProof $ entityVal s))
(fromIntegral pos)
-- | Get Orchard actions
findOrchardActions ::
@ -410,67 +389,52 @@ findOrchardActions config b znet za = do
let zn = getNet znet
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
tList <- getOrchardActions pool b znet
trees <- getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort znet (b - 1)
let sT = getOrchardFrontier $ OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
sT <- getOrchardTree pool
case sT of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Failed to read Orchard commitment tree"
Just sT' -> do
decryptNotes sT' zn pool tList
Just (sT', treeSync) -> do
mapM_ (decryptNotes sT' zn pool) tList
orchNotes <- getWalletOrchNotes pool (entityKey za)
findOrchSpends pool (entityKey za) orchNotes
decryptNotes ::
Tree OrchardNode
-> ZcashNet
-> ConnectionPool
-> [(Entity ZcashTransaction, Entity OrchAction)]
-> (Entity ZcashTransaction, Entity OrchAction)
-> IO ()
decryptNotes _ _ _ [] = return ()
decryptNotes ot n pool ((zt, o):txs) = do
let updatedTree =
(getHex $ orchActionCmx $ entityVal o)
case updatedTree of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Failed to update commitment tree"
Just uT -> do
let noteWitness = getOrchardWitness uT
let notePos = getOrchardNotePosition <$> noteWitness
case notePos of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Failed to obtain note position"
Just nP ->
case decodeOrchAction External nP o of
Nothing ->
case decodeOrchAction Internal nP o of
Nothing -> decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn1 -> do
wId <- saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
(fromJust noteWitness)
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn -> do
decryptNotes ot n pool (zt, o) = do
case getNotePosition ot (fromSqlKey $ entityKey o) of
Nothing -> do
return ()
Just nP ->
case decodeOrchAction External nP o of
Nothing ->
case decodeOrchAction Internal nP o of
Nothing -> return ()
Just dn1 -> do
wId <- saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
(fromJust noteWitness)
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
decryptNotes uT n pool txs
Just dn -> do
wId <- saveWalletTransaction pool (entityKey za) zt
(entityKey za)
(entityKey o)
sk :: OrchardSpendingKeyDB
sk = zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal za
decodeOrchAction ::
Scope -> Integer -> Entity OrchAction -> Maybe DecodedNote
decodeOrchAction :: Scope -> Int32 -> Entity OrchAction -> Maybe DecodedNote
decodeOrchAction scope pos o =
decryptOrchardActionSK (getOrchSK sk) scope $
@ -814,11 +778,6 @@ shieldTransparentNotes ::
shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
-trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
-let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
-let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
@ -831,6 +790,8 @@ shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
(\x ->
filter (\y -> walletTrNoteAddress (entityVal y) == x) trNotes')
sTree <- liftIO $ getSaplingTree pool
oTree <- liftIO $ getOrchardTree pool
forM fNotes $ \trNotes -> do
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (trNotes, [], [])
tSpends <-
@ -864,8 +825,8 @@ shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
tx <-
liftIO $
(maybe (hexString "00") (getHash . value . fst) sTree)
(maybe (hexString "00") (getHash . value . fst) oTree)
@ -931,10 +892,8 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
let recipients = map extractReceiver pnotes
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipients
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
trees <-
liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort (ZcashNetDB zn) bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
sTree <- liftIO $ getSaplingTree pool
oTree <- liftIO $ getOrchardTree pool
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
@ -969,24 +928,6 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (tList, sList, oList)
logDebugN $ "noteTotal: " <> T.pack (show noteTotal)
tSpends <-
liftIO $
(getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
--print tSpends
sSpends <-
liftIO $
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print sSpends
oSpends <-
liftIO $
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print oSpends
draft <-
liftIO $
@ -1022,11 +963,13 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
liftIO $
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(maybe InvalidTree fst sTree)
oSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(maybe InvalidTree fst oTree)
let noteTotal1 = getTotalAmount (tList1, sList1, oList1)
outgoing' <-
@ -1043,8 +986,14 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
tx <-
liftIO $
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
(hexString "00")
(getHash . value . fst)
(hexString "00")
(getHash . value . fst)
@ -1300,9 +1249,16 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(fromIntegral $ walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n)
(walletTrNoteScript $ entityVal n))
prepSSpends ::
SaplingSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletSapNote] -> IO [SaplingTxSpend]
prepSSpends sk notes = do
-> Tree SaplingNode
-> [Entity WalletSapNote]
-> IO [SaplingTxSpend]
prepSSpends sk tree notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
let notePath =
(fromIntegral $ walletSapNotePosition $ entityVal n)
return $
(getBytes sk)
@ -1313,11 +1269,18 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(getHex $ walletSapNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
(getRseed $ walletSapNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
(toBytes $ getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
(fromMaybe nullPath notePath)
prepOSpends ::
OrchardSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> IO [OrchardTxSpend]
prepOSpends sk notes = do
-> Tree OrchardNode
-> [Entity WalletOrchNote]
-> IO [OrchardTxSpend]
prepOSpends sk tree notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
let notePath =
(fromIntegral $ walletOrchNotePosition $ entityVal n)
return $
(getBytes sk)
@ -1328,21 +1291,7 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(getHex $ walletOrchNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
(walletOrchNoteRho $ entityVal n)
(getRseed $ walletOrchNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
(toBytes $ getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
sapAnchor :: [Entity WalletSapNote] -> Maybe SaplingWitness
sapAnchor notes =
if not (null notes)
then Just $
SaplingWitness $
getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
else Nothing
orchAnchor :: [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> Maybe OrchardWitness
orchAnchor notes =
if not (null notes)
then Just $
OrchardWitness $
getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
else Nothing
(fromMaybe nullPath notePath)
-- | Sync the wallet with the data store
syncWallet ::
@ -1388,10 +1337,95 @@ syncWallet config w = do
(findOrchardActions config startBlock (zcashWalletNetwork $ entityVal w))
logDebugN "processed orchard actions"
_ <- liftIO $ updateSaplingWitnesses pool
logDebugN "updated sapling witnesses"
_ <- liftIO $ updateOrchardWitnesses pool
logDebugN "updated orchard witnesses"
_ <- liftIO $ updateWalletSync pool chainTip (entityKey w)
logDebugN "updated wallet lastSync"
mapM_ (liftIO . runNoLoggingT . getWalletTransactions pool) addrs
-- | Update commitment trees
updateCommitmentTrees ::
ConnectionPool -> T.Text -> Int -> ZcashNetDB -> LoggingT IO ()
updateCommitmentTrees pool zHost zPort zNet = do
sTdb <- liftIO $ getSaplingTree pool
oTdb <- liftIO $ getOrchardTree pool
maxBlock <- liftIO $ getMaxBlock pool zNet
newSapTree <-
case sTdb of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN ">no Sapling tree in DB"
bh <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool zNet
logDebugN $ ">min birthday: " <> T.pack (show bh)
saplingNotes <- liftIO $ getShieldedOutputs pool (bh + 1) zNet
let saplingComm =
(\(_, y) ->
( getHex $ shieldOutputCmu (entityVal y)
, fromSqlKey (entityKey y)))
logDebugN ">got shielded outputs"
treeInfo <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zHost zPort zNet bh
case getSaplingTreeParts (SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling treeInfo) of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN ">failed to load tree from Zebra"
return InvalidTree
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkSaplingTree t1
return $ foldl' append newTree saplingComm
Just (sTree, sSync) -> do
logDebugN $ ">Sapling tree found, synced to " <> T.pack (show sSync)
saplingNotes <- liftIO $ getShieldedOutputs pool (sSync + 1) zNet
let saplingComm =
(\(_, y) ->
( getHex $ shieldOutputCmu (entityVal y)
, fromSqlKey (entityKey y)))
logDebugN ">got shielded outputs"
return $ foldl' append sTree saplingComm
newOrchTree <-
case oTdb of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN ">no Orchard tree in DB"
bh <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool zNet
logDebugN $ ">min birthday: " <> T.pack (show bh)
orchardNotes <- liftIO $ getOrchardActions pool (bh + 1) zNet
let orchardComm =
(\(_, y) ->
( getHex $ orchActionCmx (entityVal y)
, fromSqlKey (entityKey y)))
logDebugN ">got orchard actions"
treeInfo <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zHost zPort zNet bh
case getOrchardTreeParts (OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard treeInfo) of
Nothing -> do
logDebugN ">failed to load tree from Zebra"
return InvalidTree
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
return $ foldl' append newTree orchardComm
Just (oTree, oSync) -> do
logDebugN $ ">Orchard tree found, synced to " <> T.pack (show oSync)
orchardNotes <- liftIO $ getOrchardActions pool (oSync + 1) zNet
let orchardComm =
(\(_, y) ->
( getHex $ orchActionCmx (entityVal y)
, fromSqlKey (entityKey y)))
logDebugN ">got orchard actions"
return $ foldl' append oTree orchardComm
case newSapTree of
Branch {} -> do
logInfoN ">Saving updated Sapling tree to db"
_ <- liftIO $ upsertSaplingTree pool maxBlock newSapTree
case newOrchTree of
Branch {} -> do
logInfoN ">Saving updated Orchard tree to db"
_ <- liftIO $ upsertOrchardTree pool maxBlock newOrchTree
return ()
_anyOther -> do
logErrorN ">Failed to update the Orchard tree"
return ()
_anyOther -> do
logErrorN ">Failed to update the Sapling tree"
return ()
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Logger
( LoggingT
, NoLoggingT
, logDebugN
, logErrorN
, runNoLoggingT
, runStderrLoggingT
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, ValidAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
import Zenith.Tree (OrchardNode(..), SaplingNode(..), Tree(..))
import Zenith.Tree (OrchardNode(..), SaplingNode(..), Tree(..), truncateTree)
import Zenith.Types
( AccountBalance(..)
, HexStringDB(..)
@ -927,15 +928,17 @@ getMaxWalletBlock pool = do
Nothing -> return $ -1
Just x -> return $ walletTransactionBlock $ entityVal x
getMinBirthdayHeight :: ConnectionPool -> IO Int
getMinBirthdayHeight pool = do
getMinBirthdayHeight :: ConnectionPool -> ZcashNetDB -> IO Int
getMinBirthdayHeight pool znet = do
b <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
w <- from $ table @ZcashWallet
where_ (w ^. ZcashWalletBirthdayHeight >. val 0)
(w ^. ZcashWalletBirthdayHeight >. val 0 &&. w ^. ZcashWalletNetwork ==.
val znet)
orderBy [asc $ w ^. ZcashWalletBirthdayHeight]
pure w
case b of
@ -991,14 +994,13 @@ saveWalletTransaction pool za zt = do
saveWalletSapNote ::
ConnectionPool -- ^ The database path
-> WalletTransactionId -- ^ The index for the transaction that contains the note
-> Integer -- ^ note position
-> SaplingWitness -- ^ the Sapling incremental witness
-> Int32 -- ^ note position
-> Bool -- ^ change flag
-> ZcashAccountId
-> ShieldOutputId
-> DecodedNote -- The decoded Sapling note
-> IO ()
saveWalletSapNote pool wId pos wit ch za zt dn = do
saveWalletSapNote pool wId pos ch za zt dn = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
@ -1013,7 +1015,7 @@ saveWalletSapNote pool wId pos wit ch za zt dn = do
(HexStringDB $ a_nullifier dn)
(fromIntegral pos)
(HexStringDB $ sapWit wit)
(HexStringDB $ hexString "00")
(RseedDB $ a_rseed dn))
@ -1024,14 +1026,13 @@ saveWalletSapNote pool wId pos wit ch za zt dn = do
saveWalletOrchNote ::
-> WalletTransactionId
-> Integer
-> OrchardWitness
-> Int32
-> Bool
-> ZcashAccountId
-> OrchActionId
-> DecodedNote
-> IO ()
saveWalletOrchNote pool wId pos wit ch za zt dn = do
saveWalletOrchNote pool wId pos ch za zt dn = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
@ -1046,7 +1047,7 @@ saveWalletOrchNote pool wId pos wit ch za zt dn = do
(HexStringDB $ a_nullifier dn)
(fromIntegral pos)
(HexStringDB $ orchWit wit)
(HexStringDB $ hexString "00")
(a_rho dn)
@ -2167,6 +2168,9 @@ clearWalletData pool = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @TreeStore
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @TransparentNote
return ()
@ -2820,10 +2824,79 @@ rewindWalletData pool b net = do
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
delete $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
where_ $
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b) &&.
(blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==. val net)
logDebugN "Completed data store rewind"
saplingOutputIx <- liftIO $ getSaplingOutputAtBlock pool net b
orchardActionIx <- liftIO $ getOrchardActionAtBlock pool net b
case saplingOutputIx of
Nothing -> logErrorN "Couldn't get Sapling output index for tree rewind"
Just soIx -> do
saplingTree <- liftIO $ getSaplingTree pool
let truncSapTree = truncateTree (maybe InvalidTree fst saplingTree) soIx
_ <- liftIO $ upsertSaplingTree pool b truncSapTree
logDebugN $ "Truncated Sapling tree at index " <> T.pack (show soIx)
case orchardActionIx of
Nothing -> logErrorN "Couldn't get Orchard action index for tree rewind"
Just oaIx -> do
orchardTree <- liftIO $ getOrchardTree pool
let truncOrchTree =
truncateTree (maybe InvalidTree fst orchardTree) oaIx
_ <- liftIO $ upsertOrchardTree pool b truncOrchTree
logDebugN $ "Truncated Orchard tree at index " <> T.pack (show oaIx)
getSaplingOutputAtBlock ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashNetDB -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int64)
getSaplingOutputAtBlock pool znet b = do
r <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
(blks :& txs :& sOutputs) <-
from $ table @ZcashBlock `innerJoin` table @ZcashTransaction `on`
(\(blks :& txs) ->
blks ^. ZcashBlockId ==. txs ^. ZcashTransactionBlockId) `innerJoin`
table @ShieldOutput `on`
(\(_ :& txs :& sOutputs) ->
txs ^. ZcashTransactionId ==. sOutputs ^. ShieldOutputTx)
where_ (blks ^. ZcashBlockHeight <=. val b)
where_ (blks ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==. val znet)
[ desc $ txs ^. ZcashTransactionId
, desc $ sOutputs ^. ShieldOutputPosition
return sOutputs
case r of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just so -> return $ Just $ fromSqlKey $ entityKey so
getOrchardActionAtBlock ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashNetDB -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int64)
getOrchardActionAtBlock pool znet b = do
r <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
(blks :& txs :& oActions) <-
from $ table @ZcashBlock `innerJoin` table @ZcashTransaction `on`
(\(blks :& txs) ->
blks ^. ZcashBlockId ==. txs ^. ZcashTransactionBlockId) `innerJoin`
table @OrchAction `on`
(\(_ :& txs :& oActions) ->
txs ^. ZcashTransactionId ==. oActions ^. OrchActionTx)
where_ (blks ^. ZcashBlockHeight <=. val b)
where_ (blks ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==. val znet)
[ desc $ txs ^. ZcashTransactionId
, desc $ oActions ^. OrchActionPosition
return oActions
case r of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just so -> return $ Just $ fromSqlKey $ entityKey so
-- * Tree storage
-- | Read the Orchard commitment tree
@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> ZcashNet -> (AppEvent -> IO ()) -> IO ()
scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort net sendMsg = do
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool $ ZcashNetDB net
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB net
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort net dbBlock 1
syncChk <- isSyncing pool
@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> ZcashNet -> IO ()
scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort net = do
bStatus <- checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
b <- getMinBirthdayHeight pool
b <- getMinBirthdayHeight pool $ ZcashNetDB net
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB net
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort net dbBlock 1
syncChk <- isSyncing pool
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, fromRawTBundle
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall, readZebraTransaction)
import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain, syncWallet)
import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain, syncWallet, updateCommitmentTrees)
import Zenith.DB
( ZcashBlock(..)
, ZcashBlockId
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ rescanZebra host port dbFilePath = do
clearWalletData pool1
_ <- startSync pool1
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool1 znet
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool1
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool1 znet
let sb = max dbBlock b
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then liftIO $ throwIO $ userError "Invalid starting block for scan"
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ rescanZebra host port dbFilePath = do
{-mapM_ (processBlock host port pool3 pg3 znet) bl3-}
print "Please wait..."
_ <- completeSync pool1 Successful
_ <- runStderrLoggingT $ updateCommitmentTrees pool1 host port znet
print "Rescan complete"
-- | Function to process a raw block and extract the transaction information
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
| getLevel s == getLevel w = branch (Branch s x y) (PrunedBranch w)
| otherwise = InvalidTree
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Leaf w)
| isFull s = Branch s x y <> mkSubTree (getLevel s) (Leaf w)
| isFull s = InvalidTree
| isFull (value x) = branch x (y <> Leaf w)
| otherwise = branch (x <> Leaf w) y
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Branch s1 x1 y1)
@ -166,6 +166,9 @@ path pos (Branch s x y) =
| otherwise = []
path _ _ = Nothing
nullPath :: MerklePath
nullPath = MerklePath 0 []
getNotePosition :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Int64 -> Maybe Position
getNotePosition (Leaf x) i
| getIndex x == i = Just $ getPosition x
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.HexString
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Database.Persist
@ -639,6 +640,23 @@ main = do
let updatedTree = foldl append newTree [(cmx1, 4), (cmx2, 5)]
let truncTree = truncateTree updatedTree 4
getIndex (value truncTree) `shouldBe` 4
it "Validate tree from DB" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"
dbTree <- getOrchardTree pool
case dbTree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "failed to get tree from DB"
Just (oTree, oSync) -> do
zebraTrees <-
(ZcashNetDB TestNet)
let finalAnchor =
getOrchardTreeAnchor $
OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard zebraTrees
getHash (value oTree) `shouldBe` finalAnchor
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 20851a4e48f768a492796fb828f16ae9745931dc
Subproject commit dea960c2acf7479eeb42845c07b482449d538aae
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