Implement display of seed phrase #69
4 changed files with 231 additions and 86 deletions
@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Zenith.Tree where
module Zenith.Tree where
import Codec.Borsh
import Data.HexString
import Data.HexString
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Int (Int64, Int8)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (combineOrchardNodes, getOrchardNodeValue)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (combineOrchardNodes, getOrchardNodeValue)
import ZcashHaskell.Types (OrchardFrontier(..))
import ZcashHaskell.Types (MerklePath(..), OrchardFrontier(..), OrchardTree(..))
type Level = Integer
type Level = Int8
maxLevel :: Level
maxLevel :: Level
maxLevel = 32
maxLevel = 32
@ -19,29 +27,33 @@ type Position = Int64
class Monoid v =>
class Monoid v =>
Measured a v
Measured a v
measure :: a -> Position -> v
measure :: a -> Position -> Int64 -> v
class Node v where
class Node v where
getLevel :: v -> Level
getLevel :: v -> Level
getTag :: v -> HexString
getTag :: v -> HexString
getPosition :: v -> Position
getPosition :: v -> Position
isFull :: v -> Bool
isFull :: v -> Bool
isMarked :: v -> Bool
mkNode :: Level -> Position -> HexString -> v
mkNode :: Level -> Position -> HexString -> v
type OrchardCommitment = HexString
type OrchardCommitment = HexString
instance Measured OrchardCommitment OrchardNode where
instance Measured OrchardCommitment OrchardNode where
measure oc p =
measure oc p i =
case getOrchardNodeValue (hexBytes oc) of
case getOrchardNodeValue (hexBytes oc) of
Nothing -> OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 True
Nothing -> OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 True 0 False
Just val -> OrchardNode p val 0 True
Just val -> OrchardNode p val 0 True i False
data Tree v
data Tree v
= EmptyLeaf
= EmptyLeaf
| Leaf !v
| Leaf !v
| PrunedBranch !v
| PrunedBranch !v
| Branch !v !(Tree v) !(Tree v)
| Branch !v !(Tree v) !(Tree v)
deriving (Eq)
| InvalidTree
deriving stock (Eq, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsEnum (Tree v)
instance (Node v, Show v) => Show (Tree v) where
instance (Node v, Show v) => Show (Tree v) where
show EmptyLeaf = "()"
show EmptyLeaf = "()"
@ -49,90 +61,69 @@ instance (Node v, Show v) => Show (Tree v) where
show (PrunedBranch v) = "{" ++ show v ++ "}"
show (PrunedBranch v) = "{" ++ show v ++ "}"
show (Branch s x y) =
show (Branch s x y) =
"<" ++ show (getTag s) ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
"<" ++ show (getTag s) ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
show InvalidTree = "InvalidTree"
instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
(<>) InvalidTree _ = InvalidTree
(<>) _ InvalidTree = InvalidTree
(<>) EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ value $ branch EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf
(<>) EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ value $ branch EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf
(<>) EmptyLeaf x = x
(<>) EmptyLeaf x = x
(<>) (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf = branch (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf
(<>) (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf = branch (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf
(<>) (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = branch (Leaf x) (Leaf y)
(<>) (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = branch (Leaf x) (Leaf y)
(<>) (Leaf x) Branch {} = Leaf x
(<>) (Leaf _) Branch {} = InvalidTree
(<>) (Leaf x) (PrunedBranch _) = Leaf x
(<>) (Leaf _) (PrunedBranch _) = InvalidTree
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ x <> x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ x <> x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Leaf _) = PrunedBranch x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Leaf y) =
if isFull x
then InvalidTree
else mkSubTree (getLevel x) (Leaf y)
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u) =
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u) =
if getLevel x == getLevel s
if getLevel x == getLevel s
then branch (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u)
then branch (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u)
else EmptyLeaf
else InvalidTree
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (PrunedBranch y) = PrunedBranch $ x <> y
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (PrunedBranch y) = PrunedBranch $ x <> y
(<>) (Branch s x y) EmptyLeaf =
(<>) (Branch s x y) EmptyLeaf =
branch (Branch s x y) $ getEmptyRoot (getLevel s)
branch (Branch s x y) $ getEmptyRoot (getLevel s)
(<>) (Branch s x y) (PrunedBranch _) = Branch s x y
(<>) (Branch s x y) (PrunedBranch w)
| getLevel s == getLevel w = branch (Branch s x y) (PrunedBranch w)
| otherwise = InvalidTree
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Leaf w)
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Leaf w)
| isFull s = Branch s x y <> mkSubTree (getLevel s) (Leaf w)
| isFull s = Branch s x y <> mkSubTree (getLevel s) (Leaf w)
| isFull (value x) = branch x (y <> Leaf w)
| isFull (value x) = branch x (y <> Leaf w)
| otherwise = branch (x <> Leaf w) y
| otherwise = branch (x <> Leaf w) y
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Branch s1 x1 y1)
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Branch s1 x1 y1)
| getLevel s == getLevel s1 = branch (Branch s x y) (Branch s1 x1 y1)
| getLevel s == getLevel s1 = branch (Branch s x y) (Branch s1 x1 y1)
| otherwise = Branch s x y
| otherwise = InvalidTree
value :: Monoid v => Tree v -> v
value :: Monoid v => Tree v -> v
value EmptyLeaf = mempty
value EmptyLeaf = mempty
value (Leaf v) = v
value (Leaf v) = v
value (PrunedBranch v) = v
value (PrunedBranch v) = v
value (Branch v _ _) = v
value (Branch v _ _) = v
value InvalidTree = mempty
branch :: Monoid v => Tree v -> Tree v -> Tree v
branch :: Monoid v => Tree v -> Tree v -> Tree v
branch x y = Branch (value x <> value y) x y
branch x y = Branch (value x <> value y) x y
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Int64 -> Tree v
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Tree v
leaf a p = Leaf (measure a p)
leaf a p i = Leaf (measure a p i)
prunedBranch :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Position -> HexString -> Tree v
prunedBranch :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Position -> HexString -> Tree v
prunedBranch level pos val = PrunedBranch $ mkNode level pos val
prunedBranch level pos val = PrunedBranch $ mkNode level pos val
root :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Tree v
root :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Tree v
root tree =
root tree =
if getLevel (value tree) == maxLevel - 1
if getLevel (value tree) == maxLevel
then tree
then tree
else mkSubTree (maxLevel - 1) tree
else mkSubTree maxLevel tree
getEmptyRoot :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Tree v
getEmptyRoot :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Tree v
getEmptyRoot level = iterate (\x -> x <> x) EmptyLeaf !! fromIntegral level
getEmptyRoot level = iterate (\x -> x <> x) EmptyLeaf !! fromIntegral level
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
append :: Monoid v => Measured a v => Node v => Tree v -> a -> Int64 -> Tree v
{ on_position :: !Position
append tree n i = tree <> leaf n p i
, on_value :: !HexString
, on_level :: !Level
p = 1 + getPosition (value tree)
, on_full :: !Bool
} deriving (Eq)
instance Semigroup OrchardNode where
(<>) x y =
case combineOrchardNodes (on_level x) (on_value x) (on_value y) of
Nothing -> x
Just newHash ->
(max (on_position x) (on_position y))
(1 + on_level x)
(on_full x && on_full y)
instance Monoid OrchardNode where
mempty = OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 False
mappend = (<>)
instance Node OrchardNode where
getLevel = on_level
getTag = on_value
getPosition = on_position
isFull = on_full
mkNode l p v = OrchardNode p v l True
instance Show OrchardNode where
show = show . on_value
instance Measured OrchardNode OrchardNode where
measure o p = OrchardNode p (on_value o) (on_level o) (on_full o)
mkSubTree :: Node v => Monoid v => Level -> Tree v -> Tree v
mkSubTree :: Node v => Monoid v => Level -> Tree v -> Tree v
mkSubTree level t =
mkSubTree level t =
@ -142,20 +133,85 @@ mkSubTree level t =
subtree = t <> EmptyLeaf
subtree = t <> EmptyLeaf
mkOrchardTree :: OrchardFrontier -> Tree OrchardNode
path :: Position -> Tree v -> Maybe MerklePath
mkOrchardTree (OrchardFrontier p l o) =
path pos (Branch s x y) = undefined
if odd p
then addOrchardOmmers (tail o) $
Leaf (OrchardNode (p - 1) (head o) 0 True) <>
Leaf (OrchardNode p l 0 True)
else addOrchardOmmers o $ Leaf (OrchardNode p l 0 True) <> EmptyLeaf
addOrchardOmmers :: [HexString] -> Tree OrchardNode -> Tree OrchardNode
addOrchardOmmers xs t =
(\s x -> PrunedBranch (mkNode (getLevel $ value s) (p (value s)) x) <> s)
p :: OrchardNode -> Position
collectPath t = undefined
p (OrchardNode pos _ l _) = pos - (2 ^ l)
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
{ on_position :: !Position
, on_value :: !HexString
, on_level :: !Level
, on_full :: !Bool
, on_index :: !Int64
, on_mark :: !Bool
} deriving stock (Eq, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct OrchardNode
instance Semigroup OrchardNode where
(<>) x y =
case combineOrchardNodes
(fromIntegral $ on_level x)
(on_value x)
(on_value y) of
Nothing -> x
Just newHash ->
(max (on_position x) (on_position y))
(1 + on_level x)
(on_full x && on_full y)
(max (on_index x) (on_index y))
(on_mark x || on_mark y)
instance Monoid OrchardNode where
mempty = OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 False 0 False
mappend = (<>)
instance Node OrchardNode where
getLevel = on_level
getTag = on_value
getPosition = on_position
isFull = on_full
isMarked = on_mark
mkNode l p v = OrchardNode p v l True 0 False
instance Show OrchardNode where
show = show . on_value
instance Measured OrchardNode OrchardNode where
measure o p i =
OrchardNode p (on_value o) (on_level o) (on_full o) i (on_mark o)
orchardSize :: OrchardTree -> Int64
orchardSize tree =
(if isNothing (ot_left tree)
then 0
else 1) +
(if isNothing (ot_right tree)
then 0
else 1) +
(\x (i, p) ->
case p of
Nothing -> x + 0
Just _ -> x + 2 ^ i)
(zip [1 ..] $ ot_parents tree)
mkOrchardTree :: OrchardTree -> Tree OrchardNode
mkOrchardTree tree =
(\t (i, n) ->
case n of
Just n' -> prunedBranch i 0 n' <> t
Nothing -> t <> getEmptyRoot i)
(zip [1 ..] $ ot_parents tree)
leafRoot =
case ot_right tree of
Just r' -> leaf (fromJust $ ot_left tree) (pos - 1) 0 <> leaf r' pos 0
Nothing -> leaf (fromJust $ ot_left tree) pos 0 <> EmptyLeaf
pos = orchardSize tree - 1
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Codec.Borsh
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.HexString
import Data.HexString
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
@ -12,8 +15,12 @@ import System.Directory
import Test.HUnit
import Test.HUnit
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
( getOrchardFrontier
( addOrchardNodeGetRoot
, getOrchardFrontier
, getOrchardNodeValue
, getOrchardRootTest
, getOrchardTreeAnchor
, getOrchardTreeAnchor
, getOrchardTreeParts
, isValidUnifiedAddress
, isValidUnifiedAddress
, parseAddress
, parseAddress
@ -34,6 +41,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, OrchardCommitmentTree(..)
, OrchardCommitmentTree(..)
, OrchardFrontier(..)
, OrchardFrontier(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, OrchardTree(..)
, Phrase(..)
, Phrase(..)
, SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
, SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
, SaplingReceiver(..)
, SaplingReceiver(..)
@ -216,49 +224,127 @@ main = do
let cmx1 =
let cmx1 =
let cmx2 =
let t0 = EmptyLeaf <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t0 = EmptyLeaf <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = t0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = t0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1a = t0 <> t0
let t1a = t0 <> t0
it "Create leaf" $ do
it "Create leaf" $ do
let n = leaf cmx1 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
let n = leaf cmx1 0 0 :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value n) `shouldBe` 0
getLevel (value n) `shouldBe` 0
it "Create minimal tree" $ do
it "Create minimal tree" $ do
let t = (leaf cmx1 1) <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t = leaf cmx1 0 0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Create empty tree" $ mkSubTree 2 EmptyLeaf `shouldBe` t1
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Create a tree from Frontier" $ do
it "Validate empty tree" $ do
getTag (value (getEmptyRoot 32 :: Tree OrchardNode)) `shouldBe`
getOrchardRootTest 32
it "Validate tree with one leaf" $ do
let n = leaf cmx1 0 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
let n1 = root n
getTag (value n1) `shouldBe` addOrchardNodeGetRoot 32 (hexBytes cmx1)
it "Validate size of tree from Zebra" $ do
let tree =
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get parts"
Just t1 -> do
Just t1 -> do
of_ommers t1 `shouldBe` []
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
it "Validate a tree's depth from Frontier" $ do
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just f1 -> do
orchardSize t1 `shouldBe` 1 + fromIntegral (of_pos f1)
it "Deserialize commitment tree from Zebra" $ do
let tree =
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
length (ot_parents t1) `shouldBe` 31
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 31
it "Create commitment tree from Zebra" $ do
it "Validate a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
getTag (value t) `shouldBe` getOrchardTreeAnchor t1
getLevel (value newTree) `shouldBe` 32
it "Validate commitment tree from Zebra" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let ctAnchor = getOrchardTreeAnchor tree
-getTag (value newTree) `shouldBe` ctAnchor
-isFull (value newTree) `shouldBe` False
getPosition (value newTree) `shouldBe` 39733
it "Validate appending nodes to tree" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
let cmx1 =
"1712ead46028d4349e234abf59e94e0640fe7a0829e2e2e17e1a931631810400" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx2 =
"39f5ad39817fb432fa07c5feb3a957189fbe7662a4b5555ca95093b6d853cf07" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx3 =
"84f7fbc4b9f87215c653078d7fdd90756c3ba370c745065167da9eb73a65a83f" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx4 =
"e55ad64e1ea2b261893fdea6ad0509b66e5f62d3142f351298c7135c4498d429" :: OrchardCommitment
let finalTree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree1 = append newTree cmx1 4
let updatedTree2 = append updatedTree1 cmx2 5
let updatedTree3 = append updatedTree2 cmx3 6
let updatedTree4 = append updatedTree3 cmx4 7
let finalAnchor = getOrchardTreeAnchor finalTree
getTag (value updatedTree4) `shouldBe` finalAnchor
it "Validate serializing tree to bytes" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case mkOrchardTree <$> getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to build tree"
Just t1 -> do
let treeBytes = serialiseBorsh t1
LBS.length treeBytes `shouldNotBe` 0
it "Validate deserializing tree from bytes" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case mkOrchardTree <$> getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to build tree"
Just t1 -> do
let treeBytes = serialiseBorsh t1
let rebuiltTree = deserialiseBorsh treeBytes
rebuiltTree `shouldBe` Right t1
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f6b8a772770f492221dc99281016d7090f981e63
Subproject commit 70927645e774d53dd04650d68d996670033a8ef1
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ library
, base >=4.12 && <5
, base >=4.12 && <5
, base64-bytestring
, base64-bytestring
, binary
, binary
, borsh
, brick
, brick
, bytestring
, bytestring
, configurator
, configurator
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ library
, exceptions
, exceptions
, filepath
, filepath
, ghc
, ghc
, generics-sop
, haskoin-core
, haskoin-core
, hexstring
, hexstring
, http-client
, http-client
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ test-suite zenith-tests
, aeson
, aeson
, configurator
, configurator
, monad-logger
, monad-logger
, borsh
, aeson
, aeson
, data-default
, data-default
, sort
, sort
Add table
Reference in a new issue