Add Zenith Scanner #71
3 changed files with 134 additions and 45 deletions
@ -5,42 +5,68 @@
module Zenith.Tree where
import Data.HexString
import Data.Int (Int64)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (combineOrchardNodes, getOrchardNodeValue)
import ZcashHaskell.Types (OrchardFrontier(..))
type Level = Integer
maxLevel :: Level
maxLevel = 32
type Position = Int64
class Monoid v =>
Measured a v
measure :: a -> Integer -> v
measure :: a -> Position -> v
class Node v where
getLevel :: v -> Level
getTag :: v -> String
getPosition :: v -> Integer
getTag :: v -> HexString
getPosition :: v -> Position
isFull :: v -> Bool
mkNode :: Level -> Position -> HexString -> v
type Level = Int
type OrchardCommitment = HexString
type OrchardCommitment = String
instance Measured [Char] OrchardNode where
measure oc p = OrchardNode p oc 0 True
instance Measured OrchardCommitment OrchardNode where
measure oc p =
case getOrchardNodeValue (hexBytes oc) of
Nothing -> OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 True
Just val -> OrchardNode p val 0 True
data Tree v
= Leaf !v
= EmptyLeaf
| Leaf !v
| PrunedBranch !v
| Branch !v !(Tree v) !(Tree v)
| EmptyLeaf
deriving (Eq)
instance (Node v, Show v) => Show (Tree v) where
show EmptyLeaf = "()"
show (Leaf v) = "(" ++ show v ++ ")"
show (Branch s x y) = "<" ++ getTag s ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
show (PrunedBranch v) = "{" ++ show v ++ "}"
show (Branch s x y) =
"<" ++ show (getTag s) ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
(<>) EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ value $ branch EmptyLeaf EmptyLeaf
(<>) EmptyLeaf x = x
(<>) (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf = branch (Leaf x) EmptyLeaf
(<>) (Leaf x) (Leaf y) = branch (Leaf x) (Leaf y)
(<>) (Leaf x) Branch {} = Leaf x
(<>) (Branch s x y) EmptyLeaf = branch (Branch s x y) EmptyLeaf
(<>) (Leaf x) (PrunedBranch _) = Leaf x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) EmptyLeaf = PrunedBranch $ x <> x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Leaf _) = PrunedBranch x
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u) =
if getLevel x == getLevel s
then branch (PrunedBranch x) (Branch s t u)
else EmptyLeaf
(<>) (PrunedBranch x) (PrunedBranch y) = PrunedBranch $ x <> y
(<>) (Branch s x y) EmptyLeaf =
branch (Branch s x y) $ getEmptyRoot (getLevel s)
(<>) (Branch s x y) (PrunedBranch _) = Branch s x y
(<>) (Branch s x y) (Leaf w)
| isFull s = Branch s x y <> mkSubTree (getLevel s) (Leaf w)
| isFull (value x) = branch x (y <> Leaf w)
@ -52,31 +78,47 @@ instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
value :: Monoid v => Tree v -> v
value EmptyLeaf = mempty
value (Leaf v) = v
value (PrunedBranch v) = v
value (Branch v _ _) = v
branch :: Monoid v => Tree v -> Tree v -> Tree v
branch x y = Branch (value x <> value y) x y
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Integer -> Tree v
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Int64 -> Tree v
leaf a p = Leaf (measure a p)
prunedBranch :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Position -> HexString -> Tree v
prunedBranch level pos val = PrunedBranch $ mkNode level pos val
root :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Tree v
root tree =
if getLevel (value tree) == maxLevel - 1
then tree
else mkSubTree (maxLevel - 1) tree
getEmptyRoot :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Tree v
getEmptyRoot level = iterate (\x -> x <> x) EmptyLeaf !! fromIntegral level
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
{ on_position :: !Integer
, on_value :: !String
{ on_position :: !Position
, on_value :: !HexString
, on_level :: !Level
, on_full :: !Bool
} deriving (Eq)
instance Semigroup OrchardNode where
(<>) x y =
(max (on_position x) (on_position y))
(on_value x <> on_value y)
(1 + on_level x)
(on_full x && on_full y)
case combineOrchardNodes (on_level x) (on_value x) (on_value y) of
Nothing -> x
Just newHash ->
(max (on_position x) (on_position y))
(1 + on_level x)
(on_full x && on_full y)
instance Monoid OrchardNode where
mempty = OrchardNode 0 "" 0 False
mempty = OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 False
mappend = (<>)
instance Node OrchardNode where
@ -84,9 +126,10 @@ instance Node OrchardNode where
getTag = on_value
getPosition = on_position
isFull = on_full
mkNode l p v = OrchardNode p v l True
instance Show OrchardNode where
show = on_value
show = show . on_value
instance Measured OrchardNode OrchardNode where
measure o p = OrchardNode p (on_value o) (on_level o) (on_full o)
@ -98,3 +141,21 @@ mkSubTree level t =
else mkSubTree level subtree
subtree = t <> EmptyLeaf
mkOrchardTree :: OrchardFrontier -> Tree OrchardNode
mkOrchardTree (OrchardFrontier p l o) =
if odd p
then addOrchardOmmers (tail o) $
Leaf (OrchardNode (p - 1) (head o) 0 True) <>
Leaf (OrchardNode p l 0 True)
else addOrchardOmmers o $ Leaf (OrchardNode p l 0 True) <> EmptyLeaf
addOrchardOmmers :: [HexString] -> Tree OrchardNode -> Tree OrchardNode
addOrchardOmmers xs t =
(\s x -> PrunedBranch (mkNode (getLevel $ value s) (p (value s)) x) <> s)
p :: OrchardNode -> Position
p (OrchardNode pos _ l _) = pos - (2 ^ l)
@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import System.Directory
import Test.HUnit
import Test.Hspec
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (isValidUnifiedAddress, parseAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
( getOrchardFrontier
, getOrchardTreeAnchor
, isValidUnifiedAddress
, parseAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
( decodeSaplingOutputEsk
, encodeSaplingAddress
@ -25,6 +30,8 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( DecodedNote(..)
, OrchardCommitmentTree(..)
, OrchardFrontier(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, Phrase(..)
, SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
@ -583,28 +590,49 @@ main = do
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
describe "Tree tests" $ do
let cmx1 =
let t0 = EmptyLeaf <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = t0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1a = t0 <> t0
it "Create leaf" $ do
let a = "a" :: OrchardCommitment
let n = append EmptyLeaf a :: Tree OrchardNode
let n = leaf cmx1 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value n) `shouldBe` 0
it "Create minimal tree" $ do
let a = "a" :: OrchardCommitment
let b = "b" :: OrchardCommitment
let n = append EmptyLeaf a :: Tree OrchardNode
let t = append n b :: Tree OrchardNode
let t = (leaf cmx1 1) <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
it "Create bigger tree" $ do
let a = "a" :: OrchardCommitment
let b = "b" :: OrchardCommitment
let c = "c" :: OrchardCommitment
let d = "d" :: OrchardCommitment
let n = append EmptyLeaf a :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = append n b :: Tree OrchardNode
let t2 = append t1 c :: Tree OrchardNode
-let t3 = append t2 d :: Tree OrchardNode
-getLevel (value t2) `shouldBe` 2
t2 `shouldBe` EmptyLeaf
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Create empty tree" $ mkSubTree 2 EmptyLeaf `shouldBe` t1
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Create a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
of_ommers t1 `shouldBe` []
it "Validate a tree's depth from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 31
it "Validate a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getTag (value t) `shouldBe` getOrchardTreeAnchor t1
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 662a0d1148d3f52e2683157a4c9280bb8e81b0cb
Subproject commit b6d490d05300a9db9cdf9929baa9b984bee9f3f6
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