Enhancements to blockchain scanner #74

pitmutt merged 257 commits from rav001 into dev041 2024-04-04 19:39:08 +00:00
8 changed files with 396 additions and 300 deletions
Showing only changes of commit d72f355981 - Show all commits

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@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString (HexString(..), toText)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
@ -119,10 +120,10 @@ import Zenith.Types
import Zenith.Utils
( displayTaz
, displayZec
, getChainTip
, isRecipientValid
, isRecipientValidGUI
, jsonNumber
, parseAddressUA
, showAddress
, validBarValue
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ makeLenses ''DialogInput
data SendInput = SendInput
{ _sendTo :: !T.Text
, _sendAmt :: !Float
, _sendAmt :: !Scientific
, _sendMemo :: !T.Text
, _policyField :: !PrivacyPolicy
} deriving (Show)
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ data AdrBookEntry = AdrBookEntry
makeLenses ''AdrBookEntry
newtype ShDshEntry = ShDshEntry
{ _shAmt :: Float
{ _shAmt :: Scientific
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''ShDshEntry
@ -701,8 +702,8 @@ mkSendForm bal =
, label "Memo: " @@= editTextField sendMemo MemoField (Just 1)
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Float -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = (fromIntegral b / 100000000.0) >= i
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Scientific -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = fromIntegral b >= (i * scientific 1 8)
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
@ -713,8 +714,8 @@ mkDeshieldForm tbal =
editShowableFieldWithValidate shAmt AmtField (isAmountValid tbal)
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Float -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = (fromIntegral b / 100000000.0) >= i
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Scientific -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = fromIntegral b >= (i * scientific 1 8)
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
@ -1201,7 +1202,8 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
Just (_k, w) -> return w
fs1 <- BT.zoom txForm $ BT.gets formState
bl <-
liftIO $ getLastSyncBlock pool $ entityKey selWal
liftIO $
getChainTip (s ^. zebraHost) (s ^. zebraPort)
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
@ -1212,7 +1214,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. network)
(entityKey selAcc)
(bl + 5)
(fs1 ^. sendAmt)
(fs1 ^. sendTo)
(fs1 ^. sendMemo)
@ -1292,7 +1294,8 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
(entityVal selAddr)))
bl <-
liftIO $ getLastSyncBlock pool $ entityKey selWal
liftIO $
getChainTip (s ^. zebraHost) (s ^. zebraPort)
case tAddrMaybe of
Nothing -> do
BT.modify $
@ -1994,7 +1997,7 @@ sendTransaction ::
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Float
-> Scientific
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> PrivacyPolicy
@ -2005,7 +2008,7 @@ sendTransaction pool chan zHost zPort znet accId bl amt ua memo policy = do
Nothing -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Incorrect address"
Just outUA -> do
res <-
runNoLoggingT $
runStderrLoggingT $
@ -2021,10 +2024,10 @@ sendTransaction pool chan zHost zPort znet accId bl amt ua memo policy = do
else Just memo)
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Transaction ready, sending to Zebra..."
case res of
Left e -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ show e
Right rawTx -> do
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Transaction ready, sending to Zebra..."
resp <-
@ -2073,7 +2076,7 @@ deshieldTransaction ::
-> IO ()
deshieldTransaction pool chan zHost zPort znet accId bl pnote = do
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Deshielding funds..."
res <- runNoLoggingT $ deshieldNotes pool zHost zPort znet accId bl pnote
res <- runStderrLoggingT $ deshieldNotes pool zHost zPort znet accId bl pnote
case res of
Left e -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ show e
Right rawTx -> do

View file

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Binary.Get hiding (getBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import Data.HexString (HexString, hexString, toBytes, toText)
import Data.HexString (HexString, toBytes)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Pool (Pool)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific, toBoundedInteger)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ findSaplingOutputs ::
-> Int -- ^ the starting block
-> ZcashNetDB -- ^ The network
-> Entity ZcashAccount -- ^ The account to use
-> LoggingT IO ()
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
findSaplingOutputs config b znet za = do
let dbPath = c_dbPath config
let zebraHost = c_zebraHost config
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ findSaplingOutputs config b znet za = do
-> ZcashNet
-> ConnectionPool
-> [(Entity ZcashTransaction, Entity ShieldOutput)]
-> LoggingT IO ()
-> NoLoggingT IO ()
decryptNotes _ _ _ [] = return ()
decryptNotes st n pool ((zt, o):txs) = do
let updatedTree =
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ updateSaplingWitnesses pool = do
updateOneNote maxId n = do
let noteSync = walletSapNoteWitPos $ entityVal n
when (noteSync < maxId) $ do
cmus <- liftIO $ getSaplingCmus pool $ walletSapNoteWitPos $ entityVal n
cmus <- liftIO $ getSaplingCmus pool noteSync maxId
let cmuList = map (\(ESQ.Value x) -> getHex x) cmus
let newWitness =
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ updateOrchardWitnesses pool = do
updateOneNote maxId n = do
let noteSync = walletOrchNoteWitPos $ entityVal n
when (noteSync < maxId) $ do
cmxs <- liftIO $ getOrchardCmxs pool noteSync
cmxs <- liftIO $ getOrchardCmxs pool noteSync maxId
let cmxList = map (\(ESQ.Value x) -> getHex x) cmxs
let newWitness =
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ prepareTx ::
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Float
-> Scientific
-> UnifiedAddress
-> T.Text
-> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
@ -564,12 +564,16 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
return $ Left ZHError
Just acc -> do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show acc
let zats = floorFloatInteger $ amt * (10 ^ 8)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show zats
let zats' = toBoundedInteger $ amt * scientific 1 8
case zats' of
Nothing -> return $ Left ZHError
Just zats -> do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show (zats :: Int64)
{-firstPass <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za zats-}
--let fee = calculateTxFee firstPass $ fst recipient
--logDebugN $ T.pack $ "calculated fee " ++ show fee
(tList, sList, oList) <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (zats + 5000)
(tList, sList, oList) <-
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral $ zats + 5000)
logDebugN "selected notes"
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
@ -577,18 +581,29 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (tList, sList, oList)
tSpends <-
liftIO $
prepTSpends (getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc) tList
(getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
--print tSpends
sSpends <-
liftIO $
prepSSpends (getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc) sList
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print sSpends
oSpends <-
liftIO $
prepOSpends (getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc) oList
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print oSpends
dummy <-
liftIO $ makeOutgoing acc recipient zats (noteTotal - 5000 - zats)
liftIO $
(fromInteger noteTotal - 5000 - zats)
logDebugN "Calculating fee"
let feeResponse =
@ -599,21 +614,27 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
(bh + 3)
case feeResponse of
Left e1 -> return $ Left Fee
Right fee -> do
let feeAmt =
fromIntegral (runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
(runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
(tList1, sList1, oList1) <-
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (zats + feeAmt)
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral zats + feeAmt)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show feeAmt
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
outgoing <-
liftIO $ makeOutgoing acc recipient zats (noteTotal - feeAmt - zats)
liftIO $
(fromInteger noteTotal - fromInteger feeAmt - zats)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing
let tx =
@ -624,7 +645,7 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
(bh + 3)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tx
return tx
@ -632,8 +653,8 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
makeOutgoing ::
Entity ZcashAccount
-> (Int, BS.ByteString)
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Int64
-> Int64
-> IO [OutgoingNote]
makeOutgoing acc (k, recvr) zats chg = do
chgAddr <- runNoLoggingT $ getInternalAddresses pool $ entityKey acc
@ -752,11 +773,11 @@ deshieldNotes ::
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> ProposedNote
-> NoLoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
-> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
deshieldNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh pnote = do
bal <- liftIO $ getShieldedBalance pool za
let zats = ceilingFloatInteger $ pn_amt pnote * (10 ^ 8)
if bal > (20000 + zats)
let zats = pn_amt pnote * scientific 1 8
if fromInteger bal > (scientific 2 4 + zats)
then prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh [pnote] Low
else return $ Left InsufficientFunds
@ -771,9 +792,11 @@ shieldTransparentNotes ::
shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
-trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
-let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
-let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
@ -810,8 +833,8 @@ shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
let tx =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
@ -871,15 +894,17 @@ prepareTxV2 ::
-> Int
-> [ProposedNote]
-> PrivacyPolicy
-> NoLoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
-> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
let recipients = map extractReceiver pnotes
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipients
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
-trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
-let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
-let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
@ -887,7 +912,12 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
Just acc -> do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show acc
let amt = foldl' (\x y -> x + pn_amt y) 0 pnotes
let zats = ceilingFloatInteger $ amt * (10 ^ 8)
let zats' = toBoundedInteger $ amt * scientific 1 8
case zats' of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Failed to parse amount into zats"
return $ Left ZHError
Just zats -> do
logDebugN $ "amt: " <> T.pack (show amt)
logDebugN $ "zats: " <> T.pack (show zats)
{-firstPass <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za zats-}
@ -929,15 +959,19 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
--print oSpends
dummy' <-
liftIO $
makeOutgoing acc recipients (noteTotal - 5000 - zats) policy
(noteTotal - 5000 - fromIntegral zats)
case dummy' of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right dummy -> do
logDebugN "Calculating fee"
let feeResponse =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
@ -956,7 +990,7 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(zats + feeAmt)
(fromIntegral zats + feeAmt)
(map (\(x, _, _, _) -> x) recipients)
case finalNotePlan of
@ -969,25 +1003,29 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
tSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
(getTranSK $
zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
sSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getSapSK $
zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
oSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getOrchSK $
zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
let noteTotal1 = getTotalAmount (tList1, sList1, oList1)
let noteTotal1 =
getTotalAmount (tList1, sList1, oList1)
outgoing' <-
liftIO $
(noteTotal1 - feeAmt - zats)
(noteTotal1 - feeAmt - fromIntegral zats)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing'
case outgoing' of
@ -995,8 +1033,8 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
Right outgoing -> do
let tx =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
@ -1011,10 +1049,13 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
logErrorN $ T.pack $ show e
return $ Left e
extractReceiver :: ProposedNote -> (Int, BS.ByteString, Int, T.Text)
extractReceiver :: ProposedNote -> (Int, BS.ByteString, Int64, T.Text)
extractReceiver (ProposedNote (ValidAddressAPI va) amt m) =
let zats = fromIntegral $ floorFloatInteger $ amt * (10 ^ 8)
in case va of
let zats' = toBoundedInteger $ amt * scientific 1 8
in case zats' of
Nothing -> (0, "", 0, "")
Just zats ->
case va of
Unified ua ->
case o_rec ua of
Nothing ->
@ -1025,26 +1066,45 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
Just r3 ->
case tr_type r3 of
P2PKH ->
(1, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 1
, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
P2SH ->
(2, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 2
, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
Just r2 -> (3, getBytes r2, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
Just r1 -> (4, getBytes r1, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
Sapling sa -> (3, getBytes $ sa_receiver sa, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
Sapling sa ->
(3, getBytes $ sa_receiver sa, zats, fromMaybe "" m)
Transparent ta ->
case tr_type (ta_receiver ta) of
P2PKH ->
(1, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ta_receiver ta), zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 1
, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ta_receiver ta)
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
P2SH ->
(2, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ta_receiver ta), zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 2
, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ta_receiver ta)
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
Exchange ea ->
case tr_type (ex_address ea) of
P2PKH ->
(5, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ex_address ea), zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 5
, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ex_address ea)
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
P2SH ->
(6, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ex_address ea), zats, fromMaybe "" m)
( 6
, toBytes $ tr_bytes (ex_address ea)
, zats
, fromMaybe "" m)
prepareOutgoingNote ::
ZcashAccount -> (Int, BS.ByteString, Int, T.Text) -> OutgoingNote
ZcashAccount -> (Int, BS.ByteString, Int64, T.Text) -> OutgoingNote
prepareOutgoingNote zac (k, r, a, m) =
(if k == 5
@ -1062,8 +1122,8 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
makeOutgoing ::
Entity ZcashAccount
-> [(Int, BS.ByteString, Int, T.Text)]
-> Integer
-> [(Int, BS.ByteString, Int64, T.Text)]
-> Int64
-> PrivacyPolicy
-> IO (Either TxError [OutgoingNote])
makeOutgoing acc recvs chg pol = do
@ -1195,7 +1255,7 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
( [Entity WalletTrNote]
, [Entity WalletSapNote]
, [Entity WalletOrchNote])
-> Integer
-> Int64
getTotalAmount (t, s, o) =
sum (map (fromIntegral . walletTrNoteValue . entityVal) t) +
sum (map (fromIntegral . walletSapNoteValue . entityVal) s) +
@ -1307,6 +1367,8 @@ syncWallet config w = do
logDebugN "processed transparent notes"
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentSpends pool . entityKey) accs
logDebugN "processed transparent spends"
liftIO $
runNoLoggingT $
(findSaplingOutputs config startBlock (zcashWalletNetwork $ entityVal w))

View file

@ -1776,12 +1776,16 @@ getUnspentSapNotes pool = do
where_ (n ^. WalletSapNoteSpent ==. val False)
pure n
getSaplingCmus :: Pool SqlBackend -> ShieldOutputId -> IO [Value HexStringDB]
getSaplingCmus pool zt = do
getSaplingCmus ::
-> ShieldOutputId
-> ShieldOutputId
-> IO [Value HexStringDB]
getSaplingCmus pool zt m = do
(select $ do
n <- from $ table @ShieldOutput
where_ (n ^. ShieldOutputId >. val zt)
where_ (n ^. ShieldOutputId >. val zt &&. n ^. ShieldOutputId <=. val m)
orderBy [asc $ n ^. ShieldOutputId]
pure $ n ^. ShieldOutputCmu)
@ -1840,12 +1844,13 @@ getUnspentOrchNotes pool = do
where_ (n ^. WalletOrchNoteSpent ==. val False)
pure n
getOrchardCmxs :: Pool SqlBackend -> OrchActionId -> IO [Value HexStringDB]
getOrchardCmxs pool zt = do
getOrchardCmxs ::
ConnectionPool -> OrchActionId -> OrchActionId -> IO [Value HexStringDB]
getOrchardCmxs pool zt m = do
(select $ do
n <- from $ table @OrchAction
where_ (n ^. OrchActionId >. val zt)
where_ (n ^. OrchActionId >. val zt &&. n ^. OrchActionId <=. val m)
orderBy [asc $ n ^. OrchActionId]
pure $ n ^. OrchActionCmx)
@ -2339,7 +2344,7 @@ selectUnspentNotes pool za amt = do
selectUnspentNotesV2 ::
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Integer
-> Int64
-> [Int]
-> PrivacyPolicy
-> IO

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.HexString (toText)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
@ -1244,7 +1245,7 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
(model ^. network)
(entityKey acc)
(zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal wal)
(model ^. sendAmount)
(fromFloatDigits $ model ^. sendAmount)
(model ^. sendRecipient)
(model ^. sendMemo)
(model ^. privacyChoice)
@ -1701,7 +1702,7 @@ sendTransaction ::
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Float
-> Scientific
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> PrivacyPolicy
@ -1717,7 +1718,7 @@ sendTransaction config znet accId bl amt ua memo policy sendMsg = do
let zPort = c_zebraPort config
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
res <-
runNoLoggingT $
runStderrLoggingT $

View file

@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ zenithServer state = getinfo :<|> handleRPC
forkIO $ do
res <-
liftIO $
runNoLoggingT $
runStderrLoggingT $

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Data.HexString
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ instance ToJSON ValidAddressAPI where
data ProposedNote = ProposedNote
{ pn_addr :: !ValidAddressAPI
, pn_amt :: !Float
, pn_amt :: !Scientific
, pn_memo :: !(Maybe T.Text)
} deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)

View file

@ -13,26 +13,31 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import System.Directory
import System.Process (createProcess_, shell)
import Text.Regex.Posix
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (encodeUnifiedAddress, isValidUnifiedAddress, parseAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
( encodeUnifiedAddress
, isValidUnifiedAddress
, parseAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (decodeSaplingAddress, isValidShieldedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeExchangeAddress
, decodeTransparentAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( SaplingAddress(..)
( ExchangeAddress(..)
, SaplingAddress(..)
, TransparentAddress(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
, ValidAddress(..)
, ExchangeAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (makeZebraCall)
import Zenith.Types
( AddressGroup(..)
, PrivacyPolicy(..)
, UnifiedAddressDB(..)
, ZcashAddress(..)
, ZcashPool(..)
, PrivacyPolicy(..)
-- | Helper function to convert numbers into JSON
@ -150,21 +155,24 @@ isRecipientValidGUI :: PrivacyPolicy -> T.Text -> Bool
isRecipientValidGUI p a = do
let adr = parseAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a)
case p of
Full -> case adr of
Full ->
case adr of
Just a ->
case a of
Unified ua -> True
Sapling sa -> True
_ -> False
Nothing -> False
Medium -> case adr of
Medium ->
case adr of
Just a ->
case a of
Unified ua -> True
Sapling sa -> True
_ -> False
Nothing -> False
Low -> case adr of
Low ->
case adr of
Just a ->
case a of
Unified ua -> True
@ -172,7 +180,8 @@ isRecipientValidGUI p a = do
Transparent ta -> True
_ -> False
Nothing -> False
None -> case adr of
None ->
case adr of
Just a ->
case a of
Transparent ta -> True
@ -232,3 +241,10 @@ padWithZero n s
isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty [] = True
isEmpty _ = False
getChainTip :: T.Text -> Int -> IO Int
getChainTip zHost zPort = do
r <- makeZebraCall zHost zPort "getblockcount" []
case r of
Left e1 -> pure 0
Right i -> pure i

View file

@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, Scope(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, TxError(..)
, ValidAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (readZebraTransaction)
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.Types
@ -182,6 +184,12 @@ main = do
a `shouldBe`
describe "Witnesses" $ do
describe "Sapling" $ do
it "max output id" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"
sId <- getMaxSaplingNote pool
sId `shouldBe` toSqlKey 0
describe "Notes" $ do
xit "Check Orchard notes" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"