Enhancements to blockchain scanner #74

pitmutt merged 257 commits from rav001 into dev041 2024-04-04 19:39:08 +00:00
2 changed files with 146 additions and 30 deletions
Showing only changes of commit f79570c8f8 - Show all commits

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Database.Persist
import Lens.Micro ((&), (+~), (.~), (?~), (^.), set)
import Lens.Micro.TH
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ buildUI ::
WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent -> AppModel -> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
btnColor = rgbHex "#1818B2"
btnColor = rgbHex "#ff5722" --rgbHex "#1818B2"
btnHiLite = rgbHex "#207DE8"
currentWallet =
if null (model ^. wallets)
@ -95,8 +96,9 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
[bgColor btnHiLite]
, filler
, remixIcon remixErrorWarningFill
, label "Testnet" `nodeVisible` (model ^. network == TestNet)
, remixIcon remixErrorWarningFill `styleBasic` [textColor white]
, label "Testnet" `styleBasic` [textColor white] `nodeVisible`
(model ^. network == TestNet)
] `styleBasic`
[bgColor btnColor]
walletButton =
@ -115,47 +117,82 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
mainPane = box_ [alignMiddle] $ hstack [addressBox, txBox]
balanceBox =
[ animFadeIn
(label (displayAmount (model ^. network) $ model ^. balance) `styleBasic`
[textSize 20])
, hstack
[ filler
, remixIcon remixHourglassFill `styleBasic` [textSize 8]
, label
(maybe "0" (displayAmount (model ^. network)) $
model ^. unconfBalance) `styleBasic`
[textSize 8] `nodeVisible`
isJust (model ^. unconfBalance)
, filler
[ filler
, boxShadow $
[ animFadeIn
(label (displayAmount (model ^. network) $ model ^. balance) `styleBasic`
[textSize 20])
, hstack
[ filler
, remixIcon remixHourglassFill `styleBasic` [textSize 8]
, label
(maybe "0" (displayAmount (model ^. network)) $
model ^. unconfBalance) `styleBasic`
[textSize 8] `nodeVisible`
isJust (model ^. unconfBalance)
, filler
]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, radius 5, border 1 btnColor]
, filler
addressBox =
boxShadow $
[ label "Addresses:" `styleBasic` [textFont "Regular"]
[ label "Addresses" `styleBasic`
[textFont "Bold", textColor white, bgColor btnColor]
, vscroll (vstack (zipWith addrRow [0 ..] (model ^. addresses))) `nodeKey`
]) `styleBasic`
[border 1 whiteSmoke]
[padding 3, radius 2, bgColor white]
addrRow :: Int -> Entity WalletAddress -> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
addrRow idx wAddr =
[onClick $ ShowMsg ("You clicked address " <> showt idx)]
[onClick $ ShowMsg ("You clicked address " <> showt idx), alignLeft]
(walletAddressName (entityVal wAddr) <>
": " <> showAddress (walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal wAddr)))
": " <> showAddress (walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal wAddr))) `styleBasic`
[padding 1, borderB 1 gray]
txBox =
boxShadow $
[ label "Transactions:" `styleBasic` [textFont "Regular"]
, label "2024-04-05 0.003 ZEC" `styleBasic` [textFont "Regular"]
[ label "Transactions" `styleBasic`
[textFont "Bold", bgColor btnColor, textColor white]
, vscroll (vstack (zipWith txRow [0 ..] (model ^. transactions))) `nodeKey`
]) `styleBasic`
[border 1 whiteSmoke]
[radius 2, padding 3, bgColor white]
txRow :: Int -> Entity UserTx -> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
txRow idx tx =
[onClick $ ShowMsg ("You clicked transaction " <> showt idx)]
[ label
(T.pack $
(fromIntegral (userTxTime $ entityVal tx))))
, filler
, widgetIf
(T.length (userTxMemo $ entityVal tx) > 1)
(remixIcon remixDiscussFill)
, if 0 >= userTxAmount (entityVal tx)
then remixIcon remixArrowRightUpFill `styleBasic` [textColor red]
else remixIcon remixArrowRightDownFill `styleBasic`
[textColor green]
, label $
displayAmount (model ^. network) $
fromIntegral $ userTxAmount (entityVal tx)
]) `styleBasic`
[padding 2, borderB 1 gray]
windowFooter =
[ label

View file

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
zenithTheme :: Theme
zenithTheme =
baseTheme zenithThemeColors & L.basic . L.labelStyle . L.text ?~
baseTheme zgoThemeColors & L.basic . L.labelStyle . L.text ?~
(Just . FontSize $ 10)
(Just whiteSmoke)
(Just black)
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ zenithTheme =
(Just . FontSize $ 10)
(Just whiteSmoke)
(Just black)
@ -122,6 +122,85 @@ zenithThemeColors =
, tooltipText = white
zgoThemeColors =
{ clearColor = gray10 -- gray12,
, sectionColor = gray09 -- gray11,
, btnFocusBorder = blue08
, btnBgBasic = gray07
, btnBgHover = gray07c
, btnBgFocus = gray07b
, btnBgActive = gray06
, btnBgDisabled = gray05
, btnText = gray02
, btnTextDisabled = gray02
, btnMainFocusBorder = blue09
, btnMainBgBasic = blue05b
, btnMainBgHover = blue06
, btnMainBgFocus = blue05c
, btnMainBgActive = blue05
, btnMainBgDisabled = blue04
, btnMainText = white
, btnMainTextDisabled = white
, dialogBg = white
, dialogBorder = white
, dialogText = black
, dialogTitleText = black
, emptyOverlay = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8
, shadow = gray00 & L.a .~ 0.2
, externalLinkBasic = blue07
, externalLinkHover = blue08
, externalLinkFocus = blue07
, externalLinkActive = blue06
, externalLinkDisabled = gray06
, iconBg = gray07
, iconFg = gray01
, inputIconFg = black
, inputBorder = gray06
, inputFocusBorder = blue07
, inputBgBasic = gray10
, inputBgHover = white
, inputBgFocus = white
, inputBgActive = gray09
, inputBgDisabled = gray05
, inputFgBasic = gray05
, inputFgHover = blue07
, inputFgFocus = blue07
, inputFgActive = blue06
, inputFgDisabled = gray04
, inputSndBasic = gray04
, inputSndHover = gray05
, inputSndFocus = gray05
, inputSndActive = gray04
, inputSndDisabled = gray03
, inputHlBasic = gray06
, inputHlHover = blue07
, inputHlFocus = blue07
, inputHlActive = blue06
, inputHlDisabled = gray05
, inputSelBasic = gray07
, inputSelFocus = blue08
, inputText = black
, inputTextDisabled = gray02
, labelText = black
, scrollBarBasic = gray03 & L.a .~ 0.2
, scrollThumbBasic = gray01 & L.a .~ 0.2
, scrollBarHover = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8
, scrollThumbHover = gray05 & L.a .~ 0.8
, slMainBg = white
, slNormalBgBasic = transparent
, slNormalBgHover = gray09
, slNormalText = black
, slNormalFocusBorder = blue07
, slSelectedBgBasic = gray08
, slSelectedBgHover = gray09
, slSelectedText = black
, slSelectedFocusBorder = blue07
, tooltipBorder = gray08
, tooltipBg = gray07
, tooltipText = black
--black = rgbHex "#000000"
{-white = rgbHex "#FFFFFF"-}
blue01 = rgbHex "#002159"