Include display of balance and transactions #76
6 changed files with 80 additions and 39 deletions
@ -63,7 +63,12 @@ import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (throw, throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (forever, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger
( LoggingT
, logDebugN
, runFileLoggingT
, runNoLoggingT
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString (HexString(..), toText)
import Data.Maybe
@ -717,17 +722,22 @@ abMBarAttr :: A.AttrName
abMBarAttr = A.attrName "menubar"
scanZebra ::
T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> Int -> BC.BChan Tick -> ZcashNet -> IO ()
-> T.Text
-> Int
-> Int
-> BC.BChan Tick
-> ZcashNet
-> LoggingT IO ()
scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan znet = do
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB znet
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort dbBlock 1
unless (chkBlock == dbBlock) $ rewindWalletData pool chkBlock
let sb =
if chkBlock == dbBlock
then max dbBlock b
else max chkBlock b
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlock <- liftIO $ getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB znet
chkBlock <- liftIO $ checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort dbBlock 1
logDebugN $
"dbBlock: " <>
T.pack (show dbBlock) <> " chkBlock: " <> T.pack (show chkBlock)
let sb = max dbBlock b
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "Invalid starting block for scan"
@ -737,9 +747,12 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan znet = do
then do
let step =
(1.0 :: Float) / fromIntegral (zgb_blocks bStatus - (sb + 1))
mapM_ (processBlock pool step) bList
mapM_ (liftIO . processBlock pool step) bList
else liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal 1.0
confUp <- try $ updateConfs zHost zPort pool :: IO (Either IOError ())
confUp <-
liftIO $ try $ updateConfs zHost zPort pool :: LoggingT
(Either IOError ())
case confUp of
Left _e0 ->
liftIO $
@ -823,6 +836,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
Just (_k, w) -> return w
_ <-
liftIO $
runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $
(s ^. dbPath)
@ -859,6 +873,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $
(s ^. dbPath)
(s ^. zebraHost)
@ -1107,22 +1107,30 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt va memo policy = do
syncWallet ::
Config -- ^ configuration parameters
-> Entity ZcashWallet
-> IO ()
-> LoggingT IO ()
syncWallet config w = do
startTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let walletDb = c_dbPath config
let znet = zcashWalletNetwork $ entityVal w
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool walletDb
accs <- runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool $ entityKey w
addrs <- concat <$> mapM (runNoLoggingT . getAddresses pool . entityKey) accs
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool walletDb
accs <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool $ entityKey w
logDebugN $ "Accounts: " <> T.pack (show accs)
addrs <-
concat <$>
mapM (liftIO . runNoLoggingT . getAddresses pool . entityKey) accs
logDebugN $ "addrs: " <> T.pack (show addrs)
intAddrs <-
concat <$> mapM (runNoLoggingT . getInternalAddresses pool . entityKey) accs
chainTip <- getMaxBlock pool znet
concat <$>
mapM (liftIO . runNoLoggingT . getInternalAddresses pool . entityKey) accs
chainTip <- liftIO $ getMaxBlock pool znet
logDebugN $ "chain tip: " <> T.pack (show chainTip)
let lastBlock = zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal w
logDebugN $ "last block: " <> T.pack (show lastBlock)
let startBlock =
if lastBlock > 0
then lastBlock
else zcashWalletBirthdayHeight $ entityVal w
logDebugN $ "start block: " <> T.pack (show startBlock)
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentNotes pool startBlock znet) addrs
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentNotes pool startBlock znet) intAddrs
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentSpends pool . entityKey) accs
@ -1136,7 +1144,7 @@ syncWallet config w = do
(findOrchardActions config startBlock (zcashWalletNetwork $ entityVal w))
_ <- updateSaplingWitnesses pool
_ <- updateOrchardWitnesses pool
_ <- liftIO $ updateSaplingWitnesses pool
_ <- liftIO $ updateOrchardWitnesses pool
_ <- liftIO $ updateWalletSync pool chainTip (entityKey w)
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . getWalletTransactions pool) addrs
mapM_ (liftIO . runNoLoggingT . getWalletTransactions pool) addrs
@ -218,14 +218,14 @@ share
UniqueTx blockId txId
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Int64
script BS.ByteString
position Int
UniqueTNPos tx position
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
outPointHash HexStringDB
outPointIndex Word64
script BS.ByteString
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ share
UniqueTSPos tx position
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
nf HexStringDB
rk HexStringDB
cmx HexStringDB
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ share
UniqueOAPos tx position
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
cv HexStringDB
cmu HexStringDB
ephKey HexStringDB
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ share
UniqueSOPos tx position
deriving Show Eq
tx ZcashTransactionId
tx ZcashTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
cv HexStringDB
anchor HexStringDB
nullifier HexStringDB
@ -1864,6 +1864,9 @@ clearWalletData pool = do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @ZcashTransaction
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
return ()
getWalletUnspentTrNotes ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashAccountId -> IO [Entity WalletTrNote]
@ -2304,5 +2307,5 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $
delete $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >=. val b
clearWalletTransactions pool
@ -1220,7 +1220,8 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
case currentWallet of
Nothing -> return $ ShowError "No wallet available"
Just cW -> do
syncWallet (model ^. configuration) cW
runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $
syncWallet (model ^. configuration) cW
pool <-
runNoLoggingT $
initPool $ c_dbPath $ model ^. configuration
@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_, withAsync)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (NoLoggingT, logErrorN, logInfoN, runNoLoggingT)
import Control.Monad.Logger
( NoLoggingT
, logErrorN
, logInfoN
, runFileLoggingT
, runNoLoggingT
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -61,8 +67,8 @@ rescanZebra host port dbFilePath = do
Right bStatus -> do
let znet = ZcashNetDB $ zgb_net bStatus
pool1 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
pool2 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
pool3 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
{-pool2 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath-}
{-pool3 <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath-}
clearWalletTransactions pool1
clearWalletData pool1
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool1 znet
@ -213,7 +219,7 @@ clearSync config = do
w <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
liftIO $ mapM_ (updateWalletSync pool 0 . entityKey) w
w' <- liftIO $ getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
r <- mapM (syncWallet config) w'
r <- runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $ mapM (syncWallet config) w'
liftIO $ print r
-- | Detect chain re-orgs
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ main = do
oNotes `shouldBe` []
it "Check Sapling notes" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"
oNotes <- getWalletUnspentSapNotes pool (toSqlKey 1)
oNotes <- getWalletUnspentSapNotes pool (toSqlKey 4)
oNotes `shouldBe` []
it "Check transparent notes" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"
@ -265,12 +265,14 @@ main = do
(toSqlKey 1)
(fromJust uaRead)
"Sending memo to orchard"
tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
it "To Sapling" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -287,12 +289,14 @@ main = do
(toSqlKey 4)
(fromJust uaRead)
"Sending memo to sapling"
tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
describe "Medium" $ do
xit "To Orchard" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -315,7 +319,9 @@ main = do
(fromJust uaRead)
"Sending memo to orchard"
tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
xit "To Sapling" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -337,4 +343,6 @@ main = do
(fromJust uaRead)
"Sending memo to orchard"
tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
Add table
Reference in a new issue