Include display of balance and transactions #76
2 changed files with 110 additions and 5 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Transaction list
- Transaction list
- Balance display
- Balance display
- Account selector
- Account selector
- Menu for new addresses, accounts, wallets
## []
## []
@ -43,13 +43,20 @@ data AppEvent
| CloseMsg
| CloseMsg
| WalletClicked
| WalletClicked
| AccountClicked
| AccountClicked
| MenuClicked
| NewClicked
| NewAddress
| NewAccount
| NewWallet
| SetPool !ZcashPool
| SetPool !ZcashPool
| SwitchQr !(Maybe QrCode)
| SwitchQr !(Maybe QrCode)
| SwitchAddr !Int
| SwitchAddr !Int
| SwitchAcc !Int
| SwitchAcc !Int
| SwitchWal !Int
| CopyAddr !(Maybe (Entity WalletAddress))
| CopyAddr !(Maybe (Entity WalletAddress))
| LoadTxs ![Entity UserTx]
| LoadTxs ![Entity UserTx]
| LoadAddrs ![Entity WalletAddress]
| LoadAddrs ![Entity WalletAddress]
| LoadAccs ![Entity ZcashAccount]
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data AppModel = AppModel
data AppModel = AppModel
@ -70,6 +77,9 @@ data AppModel = AppModel
, _selPool :: !ZcashPool
, _selPool :: !ZcashPool
, _qrCodeWidget :: !(Maybe QrCode)
, _qrCodeWidget :: !(Maybe QrCode)
, _accPopup :: !Bool
, _accPopup :: !Bool
, _walPopup :: !Bool
, _menuPopup :: !Bool
, _newPopup :: !Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''AppModel
makeLenses ''AppModel
@ -115,9 +125,21 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
windowHeader =
windowHeader =
[ box_ [onClick WalletClicked, alignMiddle] walletButton `styleBasic`
[ vstack
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
[ box_
[bgColor btnHiLite]
[onClick MenuClicked, alignMiddle]
(remixIcon remixMenuFill `styleBasic`
[textSize 16, textColor white]) `styleBasic`
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
[bgColor btnHiLite]
, popup menuPopup menuBox
, vstack
[ box_ [onClick WalletClicked, alignMiddle] walletButton `styleBasic`
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
[bgColor btnHiLite]
, popup walPopup walListPopup
, vstack
, vstack
[ box_ [onClick AccountClicked, alignMiddle] accountButton `styleBasic`
[ box_ [onClick AccountClicked, alignMiddle] accountButton `styleBasic`
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
[cursorHand, height 25, padding 3] `styleHover`
@ -130,6 +152,47 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
(model ^. network == TestNet)
(model ^. network == TestNet)
] `styleBasic`
] `styleBasic`
[bgColor btnColor]
[bgColor btnColor]
menuBox =
[ box_
[ box_
[alignLeft, onClick NewClicked]
[ label "New"
, filler
, widgetIf (not $ model ^. newPopup) $
remixIcon remixMenuUnfoldFill
, widgetIf (model ^. newPopup) $
remixIcon remixMenuFoldFill
, widgetIf (model ^. newPopup) $ animSlideIn newBox
]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, borderB 1 gray, padding 3]
, box_ [alignLeft] (label "Backup Wallet") `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, borderB 1 gray, padding 3]
]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor btnColor, padding 3]
newBox =
[ box_
[alignLeft, onClick NewAddress]
(hstack [label "Address", filler]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, borderB 1 gray, padding 3]
, box_
[alignLeft, onClick NewAccount]
(hstack [label "Account", filler]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, borderB 1 gray, padding 3]
, box_
[alignLeft, onClick NewWallet]
(hstack [label "Wallet", filler]) `styleBasic`
[bgColor white, borderB 1 gray, padding 3]
walletButton =
walletButton =
[ label "Wallet: " `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textColor white]
[ label "Wallet: " `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textColor white]
@ -137,6 +200,21 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
[textFont "Regular", textColor white]
[textFont "Regular", textColor white]
, remixIcon remixArrowRightWideLine `styleBasic` [textColor white]
, remixIcon remixArrowRightWideLine `styleBasic` [textColor white]
walListPopup =
box_ [alignMiddle] dispWalList `styleBasic` [bgColor btnColor, padding 3]
dispWalList = vstack (zipWith walRow [0 ..] (model ^. wallets))
walRow :: Int -> Entity ZcashWallet -> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
walRow idx wal =
[onClick $ SwitchWal idx, alignCenter]
(label (zcashWalletName (entityVal wal))) `styleBasic`
[ padding 1
, borderB 1 gray
, bgColor white
, width 80
, styleIf (model ^. selWallet == idx) (borderL 2 btnHiLite)
, styleIf (model ^. selWallet == idx) (borderR 2 btnHiLite)
accountButton =
accountButton =
[ label "Account: " `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textColor white]
[ label "Account: " `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textColor white]
@ -155,6 +233,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
[ padding 1
[ padding 1
, borderB 1 gray
, borderB 1 gray
, bgColor white
, bgColor white
, width 80
, styleIf (model ^. selAcc == idx) (borderL 2 btnHiLite)
, styleIf (model ^. selAcc == idx) (borderL 2 btnHiLite)
, styleIf (model ^. selAcc == idx) (borderR 2 btnHiLite)
, styleIf (model ^. selAcc == idx) (borderR 2 btnHiLite)
@ -433,9 +512,14 @@ handleEvent ::
handleEvent wenv node model evt =
handleEvent wenv node model evt =
case evt of
case evt of
AppInit -> []
AppInit -> []
ShowMsg t -> [Model $ model & msg ?~ t]
ShowMsg t -> [Model $ model & msg ?~ t & menuPopup .~ False]
WalletClicked -> [Model $ model & msg ?~ "You clicked Wallet!"]
WalletClicked -> [Model $ model & walPopup .~ True]
AccountClicked -> [Model $ model & accPopup .~ True]
AccountClicked -> [Model $ model & accPopup .~ True]
MenuClicked -> [Model $ model & menuPopup .~ True]
NewClicked -> [Model $ model & newPopup .~ not (model ^. newPopup)]
NewAddress -> [Event $ ShowMsg "You clicked new address"]
NewAccount -> [Event $ ShowMsg "You clicked new account"]
NewWallet -> [Event $ ShowMsg "You clicked new wallet"]
SetPool p ->
SetPool p ->
[ Model $ model & selPool .~ p
[ Model $ model & selPool .~ p
, Task $
, Task $
@ -463,6 +547,15 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
Just acc -> runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses dbPool $ entityKey acc
Just acc -> runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses dbPool $ entityKey acc
, Event $ SetPool Orchard
, Event $ SetPool Orchard
SwitchWal i ->
[ Model $ model & selWallet .~ i & selAcc .~ 0 & selAddr .~ 0
, Task $
LoadAccs <$> do
dbPool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ c_dbPath $ model ^. configuration
case selectWallet i of
Nothing -> return []
Just wal -> runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts dbPool $ entityKey wal
CopyAddr a ->
CopyAddr a ->
[ setClipboardData $
[ setClipboardData $
ClipboardText $
ClipboardText $
@ -484,12 +577,17 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
LoadTxs t -> [Model $ model & transactions .~ t]
LoadTxs t -> [Model $ model & transactions .~ t]
LoadAddrs a -> [Model $ model & addresses .~ a, Event $ SetPool Orchard]
LoadAddrs a -> [Model $ model & addresses .~ a, Event $ SetPool Orchard]
LoadAccs a -> [Model $ model & accounts .~ a, Event $ SwitchAcc 0]
CloseMsg -> [Model $ model & msg .~ Nothing]
CloseMsg -> [Model $ model & msg .~ Nothing]
currentWallet =
currentWallet =
if null (model ^. wallets)
if null (model ^. wallets)
then Nothing
then Nothing
else Just ((model ^. wallets) !! (model ^. selWallet))
else Just ((model ^. wallets) !! (model ^. selWallet))
selectWallet i =
if null (model ^. wallets)
then Nothing
else Just ((model ^. wallets) !! i)
currentAccount =
currentAccount =
if null (model ^. accounts)
if null (model ^. accounts)
then Nothing
then Nothing
@ -556,6 +654,9 @@ runZenithGUI config = do
startApp model handleEvent buildUI params
startApp model handleEvent buildUI params
Left e -> do
Left e -> do
initDb dbFilePath
initDb dbFilePath
@ -580,6 +681,9 @@ runZenithGUI config = do
startApp model handleEvent buildUI params
startApp model handleEvent buildUI params
params =
params =
Add table
Reference in a new issue