Beta release #79
2 changed files with 77 additions and 22 deletions
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Zenith.Tree where
import Codec.Borsh
import Data.HexString
import Data.Int (Int64, Int8)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64, Int8)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type Level = Int8
maxLevel :: Level
maxLevel = 32
type Position = Int64
type Position = Int32
class Monoid v =>
Measured a v
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Monoid v =>
class Node v where
getLevel :: v -> Level
getTag :: v -> HexString
getHash :: v -> HexString
getPosition :: v -> Position
isFull :: v -> Bool
isMarked :: v -> Bool
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ instance (Node v, Show v) => Show (Tree v) where
show (Leaf v) = "(" ++ show v ++ ")"
show (PrunedBranch v) = "{" ++ show v ++ "}"
show (Branch s x y) =
"<" ++ show (getTag s) ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
"<" ++ show (getHash s) ++ ">\n" ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ show y
show InvalidTree = "InvalidTree"
instance (Monoid v, Node v) => Semigroup (Tree v) where
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ value InvalidTree = mempty
branch :: Monoid v => Tree v -> Tree v -> Tree v
branch x y = Branch (value x <> value y) x y
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Tree v
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Int32 -> Int64 -> Tree v
leaf a p i = Leaf (measure a p i)
prunedBranch :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Position -> HexString -> Tree v
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ root tree =
getEmptyRoot :: Monoid v => Node v => Level -> Tree v
getEmptyRoot level = iterate (\x -> x <> x) EmptyLeaf !! fromIntegral level
append :: Monoid v => Measured a v => Node v => Tree v -> a -> Int64 -> Tree v
append tree n i = tree <> leaf n p i
append :: Monoid v => Measured a v => Node v => Tree v -> (a, Int64) -> Tree v
append tree (n, i) = tree <> leaf n p i
p = 1 + getPosition (value tree)
@ -133,10 +133,23 @@ mkSubTree level t =
subtree = t <> EmptyLeaf
path :: Position -> Tree v -> Maybe MerklePath
path pos (Branch s x y) = undefined
path :: Monoid v => Node v => Position -> Tree v -> Maybe MerklePath
path pos (Branch s x y) =
if length (collectPath (Branch s x y)) /= 32
then Nothing
else Just $ MerklePath pos $ collectPath (Branch s x y)
collectPath t = undefined
collectPath :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> [HexString]
collectPath EmptyLeaf = []
collectPath Leaf {} = []
collectPath PrunedBranch {} = []
collectPath InvalidTree = []
collectPath (Branch _ j k)
| getPosition (value k) /= 0 && getPosition (value k) < pos = []
| getPosition (value j) < pos = collectPath k <> [getHash (value j)]
| getPosition (value j) >= pos = collectPath j <> [getHash (value k)]
| otherwise = []
path _ _ = Nothing
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
{ on_position :: !Position
@ -171,7 +184,7 @@ instance Monoid OrchardNode where
instance Node OrchardNode where
getLevel = on_level
getTag = on_value
getHash = on_value
getPosition = on_position
isFull = on_full
isMarked = on_mark
@ -214,4 +227,4 @@ mkOrchardTree tree =
case ot_right tree of
Just r' -> leaf (fromJust $ ot_left tree) (pos - 1) 0 <> leaf r' pos 0
Nothing -> leaf (fromJust $ ot_left tree) pos 0 <> EmptyLeaf
pos = orchardSize tree - 1
pos = fromIntegral $ orchardSize tree - 1
@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import System.Directory
import Test.HUnit
import Test.HUnit hiding (State(..))
import Test.Hspec
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
( addOrchardNodeGetRoot
, getOrchardFrontier
, getOrchardNodeValue
, getOrchardPathAnchor
, getOrchardRootTest
, getOrchardTreeAnchor
, getOrchardTreeParts
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( DecodedNote(..)
, MerklePath(..)
, OrchardCommitmentTree(..)
, OrchardFrontier(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
@ -237,16 +239,16 @@ main = do
let t = leaf cmx1 0 0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
getHash (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Validate empty tree" $ do
getTag (value (getEmptyRoot 32 :: Tree OrchardNode)) `shouldBe`
getHash (value (getEmptyRoot 32 :: Tree OrchardNode)) `shouldBe`
getOrchardRootTest 32
it "Validate tree with one leaf" $ do
let n = leaf cmx1 0 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
let n1 = root n
getTag (value n1) `shouldBe` addOrchardNodeGetRoot 32 (hexBytes cmx1)
getHash (value n1) `shouldBe` addOrchardNodeGetRoot 32 (hexBytes cmx1)
it "Validate size of tree from Zebra" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ main = do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let ctAnchor = getOrchardTreeAnchor tree
-getTag (value newTree) `shouldBe` ctAnchor
-getHash (value newTree) `shouldBe` ctAnchor
-isFull (value newTree) `shouldBe` False
getPosition (value newTree) `shouldBe` 39733
@ -318,12 +320,12 @@ main = do
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree1 = append newTree cmx1 4
let updatedTree2 = append updatedTree1 cmx2 5
let updatedTree3 = append updatedTree2 cmx3 6
let updatedTree4 = append updatedTree3 cmx4 7
let updatedTree1 = append newTree (cmx1, 4)
let updatedTree2 = append updatedTree1 (cmx2, 5)
let updatedTree3 = append updatedTree2 (cmx3, 6)
let updatedTree4 = append updatedTree3 (cmx4, 7)
let finalAnchor = getOrchardTreeAnchor finalTree
getTag (value updatedTree4) `shouldBe` finalAnchor
getHash (value updatedTree4) `shouldBe` finalAnchor
it "Validate serializing tree to bytes" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
@ -345,6 +347,46 @@ main = do
let treeBytes = serialiseBorsh t1
let rebuiltTree = deserialiseBorsh treeBytes
rebuiltTree `shouldBe` Right t1
it "Create merkle path" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
let cmx1 =
"1712ead46028d4349e234abf59e94e0640fe7a0829e2e2e17e1a931631810400" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx2 =
"39f5ad39817fb432fa07c5feb3a957189fbe7662a4b5555ca95093b6d853cf07" :: OrchardCommitment
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree = foldl append newTree [(cmx1, 4), (cmx2, 5)]
case path 39735 updatedTree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get Merkle path"
Just p1 -> p1 `shouldNotBe` MerklePath 0 []
it "Validate merkle path" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
let cmx1 =
"1712ead46028d4349e234abf59e94e0640fe7a0829e2e2e17e1a931631810400" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx2 =
"39f5ad39817fb432fa07c5feb3a957189fbe7662a4b5555ca95093b6d853cf07" :: OrchardCommitment
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree = foldl append newTree [(cmx1, 4), (cmx2, 5)]
case path 39735 updatedTree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get Merkle path"
Just p1 -> do
getOrchardPathAnchor cmx2 p1 `shouldBe`
getHash (value updatedTree)
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do
Add table
Reference in a new issue