{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Exception (SomeException, throwIO, try) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT) import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Configurator import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import qualified Data.UUID as U import Network.HTTP.Simple import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) import Servant import System.Directory import Test.HUnit hiding (State) import Test.Hspec import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (isValidUnifiedAddress, parseAddress) import ZcashHaskell.Types ( ZcashNet(..) , ZebraGetBlockChainInfo(..) , ZebraGetInfo(..) ) import Zenith.Core (checkBlockChain, checkZebra) import Zenith.DB (Operation(..), initDb, initPool, saveOperation) import Zenith.RPC ( RpcCall(..) , State(..) , ZenithInfo(..) , ZenithMethod(..) , ZenithParams(..) , ZenithRPC(..) , ZenithResponse(..) , authenticate , zenithServer ) import Zenith.Types ( Config(..) , PrivacyPolicy(..) , ProposedNote(..) , ValidAddressAPI(..) , ZcashAccountAPI(..) , ZcashAddressAPI(..) , ZcashWalletAPI(..) , ZenithStatus(..) , ZenithUuid(..) ) main :: IO () main = do config <- load ["$(HOME)/Zenith/zenith.cfg"] let dbFilePath = "test.db" nodeUser <- require config "nodeUser" nodePwd <- require config "nodePwd" zebraPort <- require config "zebraPort" zebraHost <- require config "zebraHost" nodePort <- require config "nodePort" currencyCode <- require config "currencyCode" let myConfig = Config dbFilePath zebraHost zebraPort nodeUser nodePwd nodePort currencyCode hspec $ do describe "RPC methods" $ do beforeAll_ (startAPI myConfig) $ do describe "getinfo" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetInfo BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" it "correct credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetInfo BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` InfoResponse "zh" (ZenithInfo "" TestNet "v2.1.0") describe "Wallets" $ do describe "listwallet" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" ListWallets BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" it "correct credentials, no wallet" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListWallets BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32001) "No wallets available. Please create one first" describe "getnewwallet" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetNewWallet BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no params" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewWallet BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32602) "Invalid params" it "Valid params" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewWallet (NameParams "Main") case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` NewItemResponse "zh" 1 it "duplicate name" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewWallet (NameParams "Main") case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32007) "Entity with that name already exists." describe "listwallet" $ do it "wallet exists" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListWallets BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (WalletListResponse i k) -> zw_name (head k) `shouldBe` "Main" Right _ -> assertFailure "Unexpected response" describe "Accounts" $ do describe "listaccounts" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" ListAccounts BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "invalid wallet" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListAccounts (AccountsParams 17) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32008) "Wallet does not exist." it "valid wallet, no accounts" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListAccounts (AccountsParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32002) "No accounts available for this wallet. Please create one first" describe "getnewaccount" $ do it "invalid credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetNewAccount BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "invalid wallet" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAccount (NameIdParams "Personal" 17) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32008) "Wallet does not exist." it "valid wallet" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAccount (NameIdParams "Personal" 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` NewItemResponse "zh" 1 it "valid wallet, duplicate name" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAccount (NameIdParams "Personal" 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32007) "Entity with that name already exists." describe "listaccounts" $ do it "valid wallet" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListAccounts (AccountsParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` AccountListResponse "zh" [ZcashAccountAPI 1 1 "Personal"] describe "Addresses" $ do describe "listaddresses" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" ListAddresses BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" it "correct credentials, no addresses" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListAddresses (AddressesParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32003) "No addresses available for this account. Please create one first" describe "getnewaddress" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetNewAddress BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "invalid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 17 "Business" False False) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32006) "Account does not exist." it "valid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 1 "Business" False False) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (NewAddrResponse i a) -> zd_name a `shouldBe` "Business" Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" it "valid account, duplicate name" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 1 "Business" False False) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right r -> r `shouldBe` ErrorResponse "zh" (-32007) "Entity with that name already exists." it "valid account, no sapling" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 1 "NoSapling" True False) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (NewAddrResponse i a) -> zd_legacy a `shouldBe` Nothing Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" it "valid account, no transparent" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 1 "NoTransparent" False True) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (NewAddrResponse i a) -> zd_transparent a `shouldBe` Nothing Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" it "valid account, orchard only" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetNewAddress (NewAddrParams 1 "OrchOnly" True True) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (NewAddrResponse i a) -> a `shouldSatisfy` (\b -> (zd_transparent b == Nothing) && (zd_legacy b == Nothing)) Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" describe "listaddresses" $ do it "correct credentials, addresses exist" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListAddresses (AddressesParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (AddressListResponse i a) -> length a `shouldBe` 4 describe "Notes" $ do describe "listreceived" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" ListReceived BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no parameters" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListReceived BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "unknown index" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ListReceived (NotesParams "17") case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32004) describe "Balance" $ do describe "getbalance" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetBalance BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no parameters" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetBalance BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "unknown index" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetBalance (BalanceParams 17) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32006) describe "Operations" $ do describe "getoperationstatus" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetOperationStatus BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "invalid ID" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetOperationStatus (NameParams "badId") case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "valid ID" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetOperationStatus (OpParams (ZenithUuid $ fromMaybe U.nil $ U.fromText "bd2aa95a-db51-4cc4-9fea-0f9cf79003a4")) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (OpResponse i o) -> operationUuid o `shouldBe` (ZenithUuid $ fromMaybe U.nil $ U.fromText "bd2aa95a-db51-4cc4-9fea-0f9cf79003a4") Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" it "valid ID not found" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetOperationStatus (OpParams (ZenithUuid $ fromMaybe U.nil $ U.fromText "bd2aa95a-db51-4cc4-9fea-0f9cf79003a5")) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32009) Right _ -> assertFailure "unexpected response" describe "Send tx" $ do describe "sendmany" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" SendMany BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "invalid account" $ do let uaRead = parseAddress "utest1dl54utt6prjj5e0dnlknwumnxq9hycdjpkfr0sy6e6h522remqee8axe9zax0wsjrwpj76v555pdhvj9rnargpfyycs0vpkapq98xcdhem99gc4wchzn0ggepq3y6nz3a9sscwgqxgsh9vzhcad402y3x9szfregck5gslkya3c79d86xx0l33tpk8gnn7ew9vw37w43zh22u8dgdax" res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd SendMany (SendParams 17 [ ProposedNote (ValidAddressAPI $ fromJust uaRead) 0.005 (Just "A cool memo") ] Full) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32006) it "valid account, empty notes" $ do let uaRead = parseAddress "utest1dl54utt6prjj5e0dnlknwumnxq9hycdjpkfr0sy6e6h522remqee8axe9zax0wsjrwpj76v555pdhvj9rnargpfyycs0vpkapq98xcdhem99gc4wchzn0ggepq3y6nz3a9sscwgqxgsh9vzhcad402y3x9szfregck5gslkya3c79d86xx0l33tpk8gnn7ew9vw37w43zh22u8dgdax" res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd SendMany (SendParams 1 [] Full) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "valid account, single output" $ do let uaRead = parseAddress "utest1dl54utt6prjj5e0dnlknwumnxq9hycdjpkfr0sy6e6h522remqee8axe9zax0wsjrwpj76v555pdhvj9rnargpfyycs0vpkapq98xcdhem99gc4wchzn0ggepq3y6nz3a9sscwgqxgsh9vzhcad402y3x9szfregck5gslkya3c79d86xx0l33tpk8gnn7ew9vw37w43zh22u8dgdax" res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd SendMany (SendParams 1 [ ProposedNote (ValidAddressAPI $ fromJust uaRead) 5.0 (Just "A cool memo") ] Full) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (SendResponse i o) -> o `shouldNotBe` U.nil it "valid account, multiple outputs" $ do let uaRead = parseAddress "utest1dl54utt6prjj5e0dnlknwumnxq9hycdjpkfr0sy6e6h522remqee8axe9zax0wsjrwpj76v555pdhvj9rnargpfyycs0vpkapq98xcdhem99gc4wchzn0ggepq3y6nz3a9sscwgqxgsh9vzhcad402y3x9szfregck5gslkya3c79d86xx0l33tpk8gnn7ew9vw37w43zh22u8dgdax" let uaRead2 = parseAddress "ztestsapling136jp8z89v2jh6kqd5rs4dtvlxym90m43svzdwzxaplyvc5ttzppytpvx80ncllcsqzpmukxjl3y" res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd SendMany (SendParams 1 [ ProposedNote (ValidAddressAPI $ fromJust uaRead) 5.0 (Just "A cool memo") , ProposedNote (ValidAddressAPI $ fromJust uaRead2) 1.0 (Just "Not so cool memo") ] Full) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (SendResponse i o) -> o `shouldNotBe` U.nil describe "Shield notes" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" ShieldNotes BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no parameters" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ShieldNotes BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "invalid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ShieldNotes (ShieldNotesParams 27) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32006) it "valid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd ShieldNotes (ShieldNotesParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (MultiOpResponse i c) -> c `shouldNotBe` [] describe "Viewing Keys" $ do describe "Full" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetFVK BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no parameters" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetFVK BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "invalid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetFVK (ViewingKeyParams 27) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32006) it "valid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetFVK (ViewingKeyParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ViewingKeyResponse i c) -> c `shouldNotBe` "" Right x -> assertFailure $ show x describe "Incoming" $ do it "bad credentials" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort "baduser" "idontknow" GetIVK BlankParams res `shouldBe` Left "Invalid credentials" describe "correct credentials" $ do it "no parameters" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetIVK BlankParams case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32602) it "invalid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetIVK (ViewingKeyParams 27) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ErrorResponse i c m) -> c `shouldBe` (-32006) it "valid account" $ do res <- makeZenithCall "" nodePort nodeUser nodePwd GetIVK (ViewingKeyParams 1) case res of Left e -> assertFailure e Right (ViewingKeyResponse i c) -> c `shouldNotBe` "" Right x -> assertFailure $ show x startAPI :: Config -> IO () startAPI config = do putStrLn "Starting test RPC server" checkDbFile <- doesFileExist "test.db" when checkDbFile $ removeFile "test.db" let ctx = authenticate config :. EmptyContext w <- try $ checkZebra (c_zebraHost config) (c_zebraPort config) :: IO (Either IOError ZebraGetInfo) case w of Right zebra -> do bc <- try $ checkBlockChain (c_zebraHost config) (c_zebraPort config) :: IO (Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo) case bc of Left e1 -> throwIO e1 Right chainInfo -> do x <- initDb "test.db" case x of Left e2 -> throwIO $ userError e2 Right x' -> do pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "test.db" ts <- getCurrentTime y <- saveOperation pool (Operation (ZenithUuid $ fromMaybe U.nil $ U.fromText "bd2aa95a-db51-4cc4-9fea-0f9cf79003a4") ts Nothing Processing Nothing) let myState = State (zgb_net chainInfo) (c_zebraHost config) (c_zebraPort config) "test.db" (zgi_build zebra) (zgb_blocks chainInfo) forkIO $ run (c_zenithPort config) $ serveWithContext (Servant.Proxy :: Servant.Proxy ZenithRPC) ctx (zenithServer myState) threadDelay 1000000 putStrLn "Test server is up!" -- | Make a Zebra RPC call makeZenithCall :: T.Text -- ^ Hostname for `zebrad` -> Int -- ^ Port for `zebrad` -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> ZenithMethod -- ^ RPC method to call -> ZenithParams -- ^ List of parameters -> IO (Either String ZenithResponse) makeZenithCall host port usr pwd m params = do let payload = RpcCall "2.0" "zh" m params let myRequest = setRequestBodyJSON payload $ setRequestPort port $ setRequestHost (E.encodeUtf8 host) $ setRequestBasicAuth usr pwd $ setRequestMethod "POST" defaultRequest r <- httpJSONEither myRequest case getResponseStatusCode r of 403 -> return $ Left "Invalid credentials" 200 -> case getResponseBody r of Left e -> return $ Left $ show e Right r' -> return $ Right r' e -> return $ Left $ show e ++ show (getResponseBody r)