{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Configurator import Data.Default (def) import Data.Sort import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import System.Console.StructuredCLI import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit import System.IO import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Zenith.CLI import Zenith.Types (ZcashAddress(..), ZcashPool(..), ZcashTx(..)) import Zenith.Utils import Zenith.Zcashd prompt :: String -> IO String prompt text = do putStr text hFlush stdout getLine root :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () root user pwd = do list user pwd txs user pwd sendZec user pwd copyAdd user pwd createUA user pwd processUri user pwd command "exit" "exit app" exitSuccess copyAdd :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () copyAdd user pwd = command "copy" "copies an address to the clipboard" $ do liftIO . putStrLn $ "Please select the source address:" addList <- listAddresses user pwd let idList = zip [1 ..] addList liftIO $ mapM_ (displayZcashAddress user pwd) idList s <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter ID (0 to cancel): " let idx = read s if idx == 0 then do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Cancelled!" return NoAction else do liftIO $ copyAddress (addList !! (idx - 1)) liftIO . putStrLn $ " Copied address to clipboard!" return NoAction list :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () list user pwd = command "list" "lists all addresses known to the node" $ do liftIO . putStrLn $ "Addresses known to the node:" liftIO . putStrLn $ "----------------------------" addList <- listAddresses user pwd let idList = zip [1 ..] addList liftIO $ mapM_ (displayZcashAddress user pwd) idList return NoAction txs :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () txs user pwd = param "txs" "'txs <id>' shows transactions for address <id> from list command" parseId $ \i -> do addList <- listAddresses user pwd liftIO . putStrLn $ "Txs for address " ++ T.unpack (addy (addList !! (i - 1))) ++ ":" liftIO . putStrLn $ "----------------------------" txList <- listTxs user pwd (addList !! (i - 1)) let txList' = sortOn zblocktime $ filter (not . zchange) txList liftIO $ mapM_ displayTx txList' return NoAction sendZec :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () sendZec user pwd = command "send" "prompt for sending ZEC" $ do liftIO . putStrLn $ "Please select the source address:" addList <- listAddresses user pwd let idList = zip [1 ..] addList liftIO $ mapM_ (displayZcashAddress user pwd) idList s <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter ID (0 to cancel): " let idx = read s if idx == 0 then do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Cancelled!" return NoAction else do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Sending from " ++ show (addList !! (idx - 1)) t <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter destination address: " let addChk = validateAddress (T.pack t) case addChk of Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ " Invalid address, cancelling." Just Transparent -> do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Address is valid!" a <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter ZEC amount: " case (readMaybe a :: Maybe Double) of Just amt -> do liftIO $ sendTx user pwd (addList !! (idx - 1)) (T.pack t) amt Nothing Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ " Invalid amount" Just _ -> do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Address is valid!" a <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter ZEC amount: " case (readMaybe a :: Maybe Double) of Just amt -> do m <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter memo: " rt <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Include reply-to? (Y/N): " let repTo = case T.toLower (T.pack rt) of "y" -> True _ -> False liftIO $ sendTx user pwd (addList !! (idx - 1)) (T.pack t) amt (if repTo then Just (T.pack m <> "\nReply-To:\n" <> addy (addList !! (idx - 1))) else Just $ T.pack m) Nothing -> liftIO . putStrLn $ " Invalid amount" return NoAction createUA :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () createUA user pwd = command "new" "create new Unified Address" $ do accCheck <- liftIO $ checkAccounts user pwd if accCheck then do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Account found." else do liftIO . putStrLn $ " No existing accounts, creating one..." liftIO $ createAccount user pwd t <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Include transparent receiver? (Y/N): " let tRec = case T.toLower (T.pack t) of "y" -> True _ -> False s <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Include Sapling receiver? (Y/N): " let sRec = case T.toLower (T.pack s) of "y" -> True _ -> False liftIO $ createUnifiedAddress user pwd tRec sRec return NoAction parseId :: Validator IO Int parseId = return . readMaybe displayTx :: ZcashTx -> IO () displayTx t = do putStr "Tx ID: " putStrLn $ (T.unpack . ztxid) t putStr "Block Time: " print $ posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (zblocktime t)) putStr "Amount: " putStrLn $ displayZec $ zamountZat t putStr "Memo: " TIO.putStrLn $ zmemo t putStrLn "-----" processUri :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Commands () processUri user pwd = command "uri" "send ZEC reading details from URI" $ do liftIO . putStrLn $ "Please select the source address:" addList <- listAddresses user pwd let idList = zip [1 ..] addList liftIO $ mapM_ (displayZcashAddress user pwd) idList s <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter ID (0 to cancel): " let idx = read s if idx == 0 then do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Cancelled!" return NoAction else do liftIO . putStrLn $ " Sending from " ++ show (addList !! (idx - 1)) u <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Enter URI: " rt <- liftIO . prompt $ " > Include reply-to? (Y/N): " let repTo = case T.toLower (T.pack rt) of "y" -> True _ -> False _ <- liftIO $ sendWithUri user pwd (addList !! (idx - 1)) u repTo return NoAction main :: IO () main = do config <- load ["zenith.cfg"] args <- getArgs dbFilePath <- require config "dbFilePath" nodeUser <- require config "nodeUser" nodePwd <- require config "nodePwd" zebraPort <- require config "zebraPort" zebraHost <- require config "zebraHost" if not (null args) then do case head args of "legacy" -> do checkServer nodeUser nodePwd void $ runCLI "Zenith" def { getBanner = " ______ _ _ _ \n |___ / (_) | | | \n / / ___ _ __ _| |_| |__ \n / / / _ \\ '_ \\| | __| '_ \\ \n / /_| __/ | | | | |_| | | |\n /_____\\___|_| |_|_|\\__|_| |_|\n Zcash Full Node CLI v0.4.0" } (root nodeUser nodePwd) "cli" -> runZenithCLI zebraHost zebraPort dbFilePath _ -> printUsage else printUsage printUsage :: IO () printUsage = do putStrLn "zenith [command] [parameters]\n" putStrLn "Available commands:" putStrLn "legacy\tLegacy CLI for zcashd" putStrLn "cli\tCLI for zebrad"