Merge branch 'fix015' into dev18

Included the new native scan of transactions using viewing keys
This commit is contained in:
Rene Vergara 2023-10-15 08:03:26 -05:00
commit 056ddff816
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 65122AD495A7F5B2
8 changed files with 671 additions and 210 deletions

View file

@ -6,9 +6,22 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
## Changed
### Added
- Parser for Unified Addresses that validates the address
- Tests for UA parsing from wallets
- Function to scan new transactions using known viewing keys
- Function to identify the owners and VKs needed for tx scans
### Changed
- MongoDB driver updated to support MongoDB 6.
- Full validation of Sapling addresses to parser.
### Removed
- `makeZcashCall` function moved to the generic `zcash-haskell` library.
- `RpcResponse`, `RpcCall` types moved to the generic `zcash-haskell` library.
## [1.7.0]

View file

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ main = do
putStrLn "Connected to MongoDB!"
checkZcashPrices pipe (c_dbName loadedConfig)
scanZcash' loadedConfig pipe
scanPayments loadedConfig pipe
{-scanPayments loadedConfig pipe-}
scanTxNative loadedConfig pipe
checkPayments pipe (c_dbName loadedConfig)
expireOwners pipe (c_dbName loadedConfig)
updateLogins pipe loadedConfig

View file

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ import Database.MongoDB
import GHC.Generics
-- | Type to represent a ZGo shop owner/business
data Owner =
data Owner = Owner
{ o_id :: Maybe ObjectId
, oaddress :: T.Text
, oname :: T.Text
@ -41,8 +40,7 @@ data Owner =
, opayconf :: Bool
, oviewkey :: T.Text
, ocrmToken :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
instance ToJSON Owner where
toJSON (Owner i a n c t tV v vV f l e s ct st p ph w co paid zats inv eTs pc vk cT) =
@ -276,8 +274,7 @@ instance Val Owner where
-- | Type to represent informational data for Owners from UI
data OwnerData =
data OwnerData = OwnerData
{ od_first :: T.Text
, od_last :: T.Text
, od_name :: T.Text
@ -289,8 +286,7 @@ data OwnerData =
, od_email :: T.Text
, od_website :: T.Text
, od_phone :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON OwnerData where
parseJSON =
@ -308,8 +304,7 @@ instance FromJSON OwnerData where
ph <- obj .: "phone"
pure $ OwnerData f l n s c st p co e w ph
data OwnerSettings =
data OwnerSettings = OwnerSettings
{ os_id :: Maybe ObjectId
, os_address :: T.Text
, os_name :: T.Text
@ -325,8 +320,7 @@ data OwnerSettings =
, os_payconf :: Bool
, os_crmToken :: T.Text
, os_viewKey :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON OwnerSettings where
parseJSON =
@ -424,6 +418,10 @@ findExpiringOwners now =
["paid" =: True, "expiration" =: ["$lte" =: addUTCTime 172800 now]]
findWithKeys :: Action IO [Document]
findWithKeys =
rest =<< find (select ["paid" =: True, "payconf" =: True] "owners")
removePro :: T.Text -> Action IO ()
removePro o =
modify (select ["address" =: o] "owners") ["$set" =: ["invoices" =: False]]
@ -450,14 +448,12 @@ upsertViewingKey o vk =
modify (select ["_id" =: o_id o] "owners") ["$set" =: ["viewKey" =: vk]]
-- | Type for a pro session
data ZGoProSession =
data ZGoProSession = ZGoProSession
{ ps_id :: Maybe ObjectId
, psaddress :: T.Text
, psexpiration :: UTCTime
, psclosed :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Val ZGoProSession where
cast' (Doc d) = do

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.HexString
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific
import qualified Data.Scientific as SC
import Data.SecureMem
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector.Internal.Check (doChecks)
import Data.Word
import Database.MongoDB hiding (Order)
import Database.MongoDB hiding (Order, lookup)
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Generics
import Item
@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ import Numeric
import Order
import Owner
import Payment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
@ -66,47 +66,21 @@ import Web.Scotty
import WooCommerce
import Xero
import ZGoTx
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
import ZcashHaskell.Types (RawData(..))
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (decodeBech32)
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( BlockResponse(..)
, DecodedNote(..)
, RawData(..)
, RawTxResponse(..)
, RpcCall(..)
, RpcError(..)
, RpcResponse(..)
, UnifiedFullViewingKey(..)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (decodeBech32, makeZcashCall)
-- Models for API objects
-- | A type to model Zcash RPC calls
data RpcCall = RpcCall
{ jsonrpc :: T.Text
, callId :: T.Text
, method :: T.Text
, parameters :: [Data.Aeson.Value]
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON RpcCall where
toJSON (RpcCall j c m p) =
object ["jsonrpc" .= j, "id" .= c, "method" .= m, "params" .= p]
-- | A type to model the response of the Zcash RPC
data RpcResponse r = MakeRpcResponse
{ err :: Maybe RpcError
, respId :: T.Text
, result :: Maybe r
} deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON)
instance (FromJSON r) => FromJSON (RpcResponse r) where
parseJSON (Object obj) =
MakeRpcResponse <$> obj .: "error" <*> obj .: "id" <*> obj .: "result"
parseJSON _ = mzero
data RpcError = RpcError
{ ecode :: Double
, emessage :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON)
instance FromJSON RpcError where
parseJSON =
withObject "RpcError" $ \obj -> do
c <- obj .: "code"
m <- obj .: "message"
pure $ RpcError c m
data Payload r = Payload
{ payload :: r
} deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON)
@ -399,12 +373,7 @@ listCountries :: Action IO [Document]
listCountries = rest =<< find (select [] "countries")
sendPin ::
-> BS.ByteString
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> Action IO String
BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO String
sendPin nodeUser nodePwd nodeAddress addr pin = do
let pd =
[ Data.Aeson.String nodeAddress
@ -416,17 +385,73 @@ sendPin nodeUser nodePwd nodeAddress addr pin = do
, "memo" .= encodeHexText ("ZGo PIN: " <> pin)
, Data.Aeson.Number $ SC.scientific 1 1
, Data.Aeson.Null
, Data.Aeson.String "AllowRevealedAmounts"
r <- liftIO $ try $ makeZcashCall nodeUser nodePwd "z_sendmany" pd -- IO (Either HttpException (Response Object))
r <- liftIO $ try $ makeZcashCall nodeUser nodePwd "z_sendmany" pd
case r of
Right res -> do
let sCode = getResponseStatus (res :: Response Object)
let sCode = getResponseStatus (res :: Response (RpcResponse T.Text))
let rBody = getResponseBody res
if sCode == ok200
then return "Pin sent!"
then do
case result rBody of
Nothing -> return "Couldn't parse node response"
Just x -> do
putStr " Sending."
checkOpResult nodeUser nodePwd x
return "Pin sent!"
else return "Pin sending failed :("
Left ex ->
return $ "Failed to send tx to node :(" ++ show (ex :: HttpException)
-- | Type for Operation Result
data OpResult = OpResult
{ opsuccess :: T.Text
, opmessage :: Maybe T.Text
, optxid :: Maybe T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON OpResult where
parseJSON =
withObject "OpResult" $ \obj -> do
s <- obj .: "status"
r <- obj .:? "result"
e <- obj .:? "error"
t <-
case r of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r' -> r' .: "txid"
m <-
case e of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just m' -> m' .: "message"
pure $ OpResult s m t
checkOpResult :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> IO ()
checkOpResult user pwd opid = do
response <-
[Data.Aeson.Array (V.fromList [Data.Aeson.String opid])]
let rpcResp = getResponseBody response :: (RpcResponse [OpResult])
case result rpcResp of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Couldn't read response from node"
Just opCode -> mapM_ showResult opCode
showResult t =
case opsuccess t of
"success" ->
putStrLn $ " Success! Tx ID: " ++ maybe "" T.unpack (optxid t)
"executing" -> do
putStr "."
hFlush stdout
threadDelay 1000000 >> checkOpResult user pwd opid
_ -> putStrLn $ " Failed :( " ++ maybe "" T.unpack (opmessage t)
-- | Function to create user from ZGoTx
addUser ::
@ -441,7 +466,7 @@ addUser nodeUser nodePwd p db node (Just tx) = do
isNew <- liftIO $ isUserNew p db tx
when isNew $ do
newPin <- liftIO generatePin
_ <- sendPin nodeUser nodePwd node (address tx) (T.pack newPin)
_ <- liftIO $ sendPin nodeUser nodePwd node (address tx) (T.pack newPin)
let pinHash =
[ BA.pack . BS.unpack . C.pack . T.unpack $
@ -1203,8 +1228,9 @@ routes pipe config = do
case cast' . Doc =<< u of
Nothing -> status unauthorized401
Just u' -> do
if isValidSaplingViewingKey qBytes
then if matchSaplingAddress
if isValidSaplingViewingKey $ C.pack q
then do
if matchSaplingAddress
(bytes . decodeBech32 . C.pack . T.unpack $ uaddress u')
then do
@ -1213,27 +1239,45 @@ routes pipe config = do
Nothing -> status badRequest400
Just o' -> do
unless (oviewkey o' /= "") $ do
vkInfo <-
liftAndCatchIO $
[ Data.Aeson.String (T.strip . T.pack $ q)
, "no"
let content =
getResponseBody vkInfo :: RpcResponse Object
if isNothing (err content)
then do
_ <-
liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertViewingKey o' q)
status created201
else do
text $ L.pack . show $ err content
status badRequest400
else status forbidden403
else status badRequest400
else case decodeUfvk (C.pack q) of
Nothing -> status badRequest400
Just fvk -> do
if isValidUnifiedAddress $
C.pack . T.unpack $ uaddress u'
then do
if matchOrchardAddress
(C.pack q)
(C.pack . T.unpack $ uaddress u')
then do
owner <-
liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwner $ uaddress u')
case cast' . Doc =<< owner of
Nothing -> status badRequest400
Just o' -> do
unless (oviewkey o' /= "") $ do
liftAndCatchIO $
run (upsertViewingKey o' q)
status created201
else status forbidden403
else do
if matchSaplingAddress
(s_key fvk)
(bytes . decodeBech32 . C.pack . T.unpack $
uaddress u')
then do
owner <-
liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwner $ uaddress u')
case cast' . Doc =<< owner of
Nothing -> status badRequest400
Just o' -> do
unless (oviewkey o' /= "") $ do
liftAndCatchIO $
run (upsertViewingKey o' q)
status created201
else status forbidden403
--Get items associated with the given address
get "/api/items" $ do
session <- param "session"
@ -1467,25 +1511,24 @@ routes pipe config = do
{-liftAndCatchIO $-}
{-mapM (run . loadLangComponent) (langComp :: [LangComponent])-}
{-status created201-}
{-(MonadIO m, FromJSON a)-}
{-=> BS.ByteString-}
{--> BS.ByteString-}
{--> T.Text-}
{--> [Data.Aeson.Value]-}
{--> m (Response a)-}
{-let payload =-}
{-RpcCall {jsonrpc = "1.0", callId = "test", method = m, parameters = p}-}
{-let myRequest =-}
{-setRequestBodyJSON payload $-}
{-setRequestPort 8232 $-}
{-setRequestBasicAuth username password $-}
{-setRequestMethod "POST" defaultRequest-}
{-httpJSON myRequest-}
-- | Make a Zcash RPC call
makeZcashCall ::
(MonadIO m, FromJSON a)
=> BS.ByteString
-> BS.ByteString
-> T.Text
-> [Data.Aeson.Value]
-> m (Response a)
makeZcashCall username password m p = do
let payload =
RpcCall {jsonrpc = "1.0", callId = "test", method = m, parameters = p}
let myRequest =
setRequestBodyJSON payload $
setRequestPort 8232 $
setRequestBasicAuth username password $
setRequestMethod "POST" defaultRequest
httpJSON myRequest
{-makeZcashCall ::-}
{-makeZcashCall username password m p = do-}
-- |Timer for repeating actions
setInterval :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
setInterval secs func = do
@ -1527,7 +1570,7 @@ listTxs user pwd a confs = do
[Data.Aeson.String a, Data.Aeson.Number $ Scientific.scientific confs 0] :: IO
[Data.Aeson.String a, Data.Aeson.Number $ SC.scientific confs 0] :: IO
(Either HttpException (Response (RpcResponse [ZcashTx])))
case res of
Right txList -> do
@ -1725,7 +1768,7 @@ payOwner p d x =
markOwnerPaid :: Pipe -> T.Text -> Payment -> IO ()
markOwnerPaid pipe db pmt = do
user <- access pipe master db (findUser $ psession pmt)
print pmt
-- print pmt
let parsedUser = parseUserBson =<< user
let zaddy = maybe "" uaddress parsedUser
owner <- access pipe master db $ findOwner zaddy
@ -1831,4 +1874,253 @@ generateToken = do
rngState <- newCryptoRNGState
runCryptoRNGT rngState $ randomString 24 "abcdef0123456789"
getBlockInfo ::
BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe BlockResponse)
getBlockInfo nodeUser nodePwd bh = do
blockInfo <-
[Data.Aeson.String bh, Number $ SC.scientific 1 0]
let content = getResponseBody blockInfo :: RpcResponse BlockResponse
if isNothing (err content)
then return $ result content
else do
print $ err content
return Nothing
scanTxNative :: Config -> Pipe -> IO ()
scanTxNative config pipe = do
let db = c_dbName config
keyOwnerList <- access pipe master db findWithKeys
unless (null keyOwnerList) $ do
let nodeUser = c_nodeUser config
let nodePwd = c_nodePwd config
let ownerList = mapMaybe (cast' . Doc) keyOwnerList
lastBlockData <- access pipe master db findBlock
latestBlock <- getBlockInfo nodeUser nodePwd "-1"
case latestBlock of
Nothing -> fail "No block data from node"
Just lB -> do
case cast' . Doc =<< lastBlockData of
Nothing -> do
print "Getting blocks"
blockList <-
(getBlockInfo nodeUser nodePwd . T.pack . show)
[(bl_height lB - 50) .. (bl_height lB)]
print "filtering blocks..."
let filteredBlockList = filter filterBlock blockList
print "extracting txs from blocks..."
let txIdList = concatMap extractTxs filteredBlockList
print "getting tx data from node..."
txList <- mapM (getTxData nodeUser nodePwd) txIdList
print "filtering txs..."
let filteredTxList = map fromJust $ filter filterTx txList
print "checking txs against keys..."
mapM_ (checkTx filteredTxList) ownerList
access pipe master (c_dbName config) $
upsertBlock (last $ catMaybes filteredBlockList)
Just lastBlock -> do
blockList' <-
(getBlockInfo nodeUser nodePwd . T.pack . show)
[(bl_height lastBlock + 1) .. (bl_height lB)]
print "filtering blocks..."
let filteredBlockList = filter filterBlock blockList'
print "extracting txs from blocks..."
let txIdList = concatMap extractTxs filteredBlockList
print "getting tx data from node..."
txList <- mapM (getTxData nodeUser nodePwd) txIdList
print "filtering txs..."
let filteredTxList = map fromJust $ filter filterTx txList
print "checking txs against keys..."
mapM_ (checkTx filteredTxList) ownerList
access pipe master (c_dbName config) $
upsertBlock (last $ catMaybes filteredBlockList)
filterBlock :: Maybe BlockResponse -> Bool
filterBlock b = maybe 0 bl_confirmations b >= 5
filterTx :: Maybe RawTxResponse -> Bool
filterTx t =
not (null (maybe [] rt_shieldedOutputs t)) ||
not (null (maybe [] rt_orchardActions t))
extractTxs :: Maybe BlockResponse -> [T.Text]
extractTxs = maybe [] bl_txs
getTxData ::
BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe RawTxResponse)
getTxData nodeUser nodePwd txid = do
txInfo <-
[Data.Aeson.String txid, Number $ SC.scientific 1 0]
let content = getResponseBody txInfo :: RpcResponse RawTxResponse
if isNothing (err content)
then return $ result content
else do
print $ err content
return Nothing
checkTx :: [RawTxResponse] -> Owner -> IO ()
checkTx txList' k = do
let sOutList = concatMap rt_shieldedOutputs txList'
if isValidSaplingViewingKey (E.encodeUtf8 $ oviewkey k)
then do
print "decoding Sapling tx"
let decodedSapList' = concatMap (decodeSaplingTx $ oviewkey k) txList'
let zList = catMaybes decodedSapList'
mapM_ (recordPayment pipe (c_dbName config) (oaddress k)) zList
else do
let vk = decodeUfvk $ E.encodeUtf8 $ oviewkey k
case vk of
Nothing -> print "Not a valid key"
Just v -> do
let decodedSapList =
concatMap (decodeUnifiedSaplingTx (s_key v)) txList'
let zList' = catMaybes decodedSapList
mapM_ (recordPayment pipe (c_dbName config) (oaddress k)) zList'
let decodedOrchList = concatMap (decodeUnifiedOrchardTx v) txList'
let oList = catMaybes decodedOrchList
mapM_ (recordPayment pipe (c_dbName config) (oaddress k)) oList
decodeSaplingTx :: T.Text -> RawTxResponse -> [Maybe ZcashTx]
decodeSaplingTx k t =
(buildZcashTx t .
decodeSaplingOutput (bytes (decodeBech32 $ E.encodeUtf8 k)))
(rt_shieldedOutputs t)
decodeUnifiedSaplingTx :: BS.ByteString -> RawTxResponse -> [Maybe ZcashTx]
decodeUnifiedSaplingTx k t =
map (buildZcashTx t . decodeSaplingOutput k) (rt_shieldedOutputs t)
decodeUnifiedOrchardTx ::
UnifiedFullViewingKey -> RawTxResponse -> [Maybe ZcashTx]
decodeUnifiedOrchardTx k t =
map (buildZcashTx t . decryptOrchardAction k) (rt_orchardActions t)
buildZcashTx :: RawTxResponse -> Maybe DecodedNote -> Maybe ZcashTx
buildZcashTx t n =
case n of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n ->
Just $
(rt_id t)
(fromIntegral (a_value n) / 100000000)
(toInteger $ a_value n)
(rt_blockheight t)
(rt_blocktime t)
(rt_confirmations t)
(E.decodeUtf8Lenient $ a_memo n)
recordPayment :: Pipe -> T.Text -> T.Text -> ZcashTx -> IO ()
recordPayment p dbName z x = do
let zM = runParser pZGoMemo (T.unpack . ztxid $ x) (zmemo x)
case zM of
Right m -> do
case m_orderId m of
Nothing -> print "Not an order Tx"
Just orderId -> do
print orderId
o <- access p master dbName $ findOrderById (T.unpack orderId)
let xOrder = o >>= (cast' . Doc)
case xOrder of
Nothing -> error "Failed to retrieve order from database"
Just xO -> do
(not (qpaid xO) &&
qtotalZec xO == zamount x && z == qaddress xO) $ do
let sReg = mkRegex "(.*)-([a-fA-f0-9]{24})"
let sResult = matchAllText sReg (T.unpack $ qsession xO)
if not (null sResult)
then case fst $ head sResult ! 1 of
"Xero" -> do
xeroConfig <- access p master dbName findXero
let xC = xeroConfig >>= (cast' . Doc)
case xC of
Nothing -> error "Failed to read Xero config"
Just xConf -> do
(qaddress xO)
(qexternalInvoice xO)
(qaddress xO)
(qtotal xO)
(qtotalZec xO)
liftIO $
access p master dbName $
markOrderPaid (T.unpack orderId, zamount x)
"WC" -> do
let wOwner = fst $ head sResult ! 2
wooT <-
access p master dbName $
findWooToken $ Just (read wOwner)
let wT = wooT >>= (cast' . Doc)
case wT of
Nothing ->
error "Failed to read WooCommerce token"
Just wt -> do
let iReg = mkRegex "(.*)-(.*)-.*"
let iResult =
(T.unpack $ qexternalInvoice xO)
if not (null iResult)
then do
let wUrl =
E.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode .
B64.decodeLenient . C.pack $
fst $ head iResult ! 1
let iNum = fst $ head iResult ! 2
(T.unpack wUrl)
(C.pack iNum)
(C.pack $ maybe "" show (q_id xO))
(C.pack . T.unpack $ w_token wt)
(C.pack . show $ qprice xO)
(C.pack . show $ qtotalZec xO)
liftIO $
access p master dbName $
(T.unpack orderId, zamount x)
else error
"Couldn't parse externalInvoice for WooCommerce"
_ -> putStrLn "Not an integration order"
else liftIO $
access p master dbName $
markOrderPaid (T.unpack orderId, zamount x)
Left e -> print "Unable to parse order memo"
debug = flip trace
instance Val BlockResponse where
cast' (Doc d) = do
c <- B.lookup "confirmations" d
h <- B.lookup "height" d
t <- B.lookup "time" d
txs <- B.lookup "tx" d
Just (BlockResponse c h t txs)
cast' _ = Nothing
val (BlockResponse c h t txs) =
[ "confirmations" =: c
, "height" =: h
, "time" =: t
, "tx" =: txs
, "network" =: ("mainnet" :: String)
upsertBlock :: BlockResponse -> Action IO ()
upsertBlock b = do
let block = val b
case block of
Doc d -> upsert (select ["network" =: ("mainnet" :: String)] "blocks") d
_ -> return ()
findBlock :: Action IO (Maybe Document)
findBlock = findOne (select ["network" =: ("mainnet" :: String)] "blocks")

View file

@ -9,16 +9,18 @@ import qualified Data.Bson as B
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.UUID as U
import Data.Void
import Database.MongoDB
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (isValidShieldedAddress)
-- | Type to model a ZGo transaction
data ZGoTx =
data ZGoTx = ZGoTx
{ _id :: Maybe ObjectId
, address :: T.Text
, session :: T.Text
@ -27,8 +29,7 @@ data ZGoTx =
, amount :: Double
, txid :: T.Text
, memo :: T.Text
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
parseZGoTxBson :: B.Document -> Maybe ZGoTx
parseZGoTxBson d = do
@ -100,19 +101,19 @@ instance Val ZGoTx where
-- | Type to represent and parse ZGo memos
data ZGoMemo =
data ZGoMemo = ZGoMemo
{ m_session :: Maybe U.UUID
, m_address :: Maybe T.Text
, m_payment :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
, m_orderId :: Maybe T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data MemoToken
= Login !U.UUID
| PayMsg !U.UUID
| Address !T.Text
| Msg !T.Text
| OrderId !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Parser = Parsec Void T.Text
@ -135,9 +136,23 @@ pSaplingAddress :: Parser MemoToken
pSaplingAddress = do
string "zs"
a <- some alphaNumChar
if length a /= 76
then fail "Failed to parse Sapling address"
else pure $ Address $ T.pack ("zs" <> a)
if isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 $ "zs" <> T.pack a)
then pure $ Address $ T.pack ("zs" <> a)
else fail "Failed to parse Sapling address"
pUnifiedAddress :: Parser MemoToken
pUnifiedAddress = do
string "u1"
a <- some alphaNumChar
if isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 $ "u1" <> T.pack a)
then pure $ Address $ T.pack ("u1" <> a)
else fail "Failed to parse Unified Address"
pOrderId :: Parser MemoToken
pOrderId = do
string "ZGo Order::"
a <- some hexDigitChar
pure $ OrderId . T.pack $ a
pMsg :: Parser MemoToken
pMsg = do
@ -150,7 +165,7 @@ pMsg = do
pMemo :: Parser MemoToken
pMemo = do
optional $ some spaceChar
t <- pSession <|> pSaplingAddress <|> pMsg
t <- pSession <|> pSaplingAddress <|> pUnifiedAddress <|> pOrderId <|> pMsg
optional $ some spaceChar
return t
@ -175,8 +190,15 @@ isMemoToken kind t =
pZGoMemo :: Parser ZGoMemo
pZGoMemo = do
tks <- some pMemo
pure $ ZGoMemo (isSession tks) (isAddress tks) (isPayment tks)
pure $ ZGoMemo (isSession tks) (isAddress tks) (isPayment tks) (isOrder tks)
isOrder [] = Nothing
isOrder tks =
if not (null tks)
then case head tks of
OrderId x -> Just x
_ -> isOrder $ tail tks
else Nothing
isPayment [] = False
isPayment tks =
not (null tks) &&

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extra-deps:
- git:
commit: 085c16fb21b9f856a435a3faab980e7e0b319341
- git:
commit: fef3d3af35a09db718cddb8fc9166b2d2691a744
commit: 1d558fc646a7758d60a721124812070de222c2e1
- git:
commit: 787c2e813eb3a5d16c375d4b37dfefbd2adcdf05
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View file

@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ packages:
commit: 085c16fb21b9f856a435a3faab980e7e0b319341
- completed:
commit: fef3d3af35a09db718cddb8fc9166b2d2691a744
commit: 1d558fc646a7758d60a721124812070de222c2e1
name: zcash-haskell
sha256: ec7782cf2646da17548d59af0ea98dcbaac1b6c2176258c696a7f508db6dbc21
size: 1126
version: 0.1.0
sha256: eab3c6817bb3cb5738725824d16eb023cb2967ef3bbaa8f8252524602f606dbb
size: 1229
version: 0.2.0
commit: fef3d3af35a09db718cddb8fc9166b2d2691a744
commit: 1d558fc646a7758d60a721124812070de222c2e1
- completed:
commit: 787c2e813eb3a5d16c375d4b37dfefbd2adcdf05

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ main = do
describe "Memo parsers" $
--prop "memo parsing" testMemoParser
it "parse ZecWallet memo" $ do
it "parse ZecWallet memo - Sapling" $ do
let m =
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ main = do
Right m' ->
m_session m' `shouldBe`
U.fromString "5d3d4494-51c0-432d-8495-050419957aea"
it "parse YWallet memo" $ do
it "parse YWallet memo - Sapling" $ do
let m =
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ main = do
Right m' ->
m_session m' `shouldBe`
U.fromString "ad8477d3-4fdd-4c97-90b2-76630b5f77e1"
it "parse Zingo memo" $ do
it "parse Zingo memo - Sapling" $ do
let m =
@ -92,6 +92,42 @@ main = do
Right m' ->
m_session m' `shouldBe`
U.fromString "5d3d4494-51c0-432d-8495-050419957aea"
it "parse ZecWallet memo - Orchard" $ do
let m =
"Zecwalllet memo"
case m of
Left e -> putStrLn $ errorBundlePretty e
Right m' ->
m_address m' `shouldBe`
it "parse YWallet memo - Orchard" $ do
let m =
"Ywallet memo"
case m of
Left e -> putStrLn $ errorBundlePretty e
Right m' ->
m_address m' `shouldBe`
it "parse Zingo memo - Orchard" $ do
let m =
"Zingo memo"
"ZGO::5d3d4494-51c0-432d-8495-050419957aea\nReply to:\nu17n7hpwaujyq7ux8f9jpyymtnk5urw7pyrf60smp5mawy7jgz325hfvz3jn3zsfya8yxryf9q7ldk8nu8df0emra5wne28zq9d9nm2pu4x6qwjha565av9aze0xgujgslz74ufkj0c0cylqwjyrh9msjfh7jzal6d3qzrnhkkqy3pqm8j63y07jxj7txqeac982778rmt64f32aum94x"
case m of
Left e -> putStrLn $ errorBundlePretty e
Right m' ->
m_address m' `shouldBe`
describe "PIN generator" $ do
it "should give a 7 digit" $ do
pin <- generatePin
@ -262,7 +298,7 @@ main = do
it "return owner by id" $ do
req <-
[ ("id", Just "627ad3492b05a76be3000001")
, ("session", Just "35bfb9c2-9ad2-4fe5-adda-99d63b8dcdcd")
@ -655,6 +691,8 @@ main = do
let vk2 =
let vk3 =
it "returns 401 with bad session" $ do
req <-
testPostJson "/api/ownervk" $
@ -695,7 +733,7 @@ main = do
[("session", Just "35bfb9c2-9ad2-4fe5-adda-99d63b8dcdcd")]
getResponseStatus res `shouldBe` badRequest400
it "succeeds with correct key" $ do
it "succeeds with correct Sapling key" $ do
req <-
testPostJson "/api/ownervk" $
A.object ["payload" A..= (vk1 :: String)]
@ -705,6 +743,26 @@ main = do
[("session", Just "35bfb9c2-9ad2-4fe5-adda-99d63b8dcdcd")]
getResponseStatus res `shouldBe` created201
it "succeeds with correct Unified key and UA" $ do
req <-
testPostJson "/api/ownervk" $
A.object ["payload" A..= (vk3 :: String)]
res <-
httpLBS $
[("session", Just "35bfb9c2-9ad2-4fe5-daad-99d63b8dcdaa")]
getResponseStatus res `shouldBe` created201
xit "succeeds with correct Unified key and Sapling address" $ do
req <-
testPostJson "/api/ownervk" $
A.object ["payload" A..= (vk3 :: String)]
res <-
httpLBS $
[("session", Just "35bfb9c2-a92d-4fe5-daad-99d63b8dcdaa")]
getResponseStatus res `shouldBe` created201
around handleDb $
describe "Database actions" $ do
describe "authentication" $ do
@ -1143,8 +1201,25 @@ startAPI config = do
let myUser3 =
(Just (read "6272a90f2b05a74cf1500003" :: ObjectId))
let myUser4 =
(Just (read "6272a90f2b05a74cf7500003" :: ObjectId))
let userList =
map unwrapDoc $ filter filterDocs $ val <$> [myUser, myUser1, myUser2]
map unwrapDoc $
filter filterDocs $ val <$> [myUser, myUser1, myUser2, myUser3, myUser4]
_ <- access pipe master "test" (insertAll_ "users" userList)
let myOwner =
@ -1200,6 +1275,60 @@ startAPI config = do
let myOwner2 =
(Just (read "627ad3492b05a76be3700008"))
"Test shop 3"
"1 Main St"
"United States"
(UTCTime (fromGregorian 2024 8 6) (secondsToDiffTime 0))
let myOwner3 =
(Just (read "627ad3492b05a76be3750008"))
"Test shop 4"
"1 Main St"
"United States"
(UTCTime (fromGregorian 2024 8 6) (secondsToDiffTime 0))
_ <- access pipe master "test" (Database.MongoDB.delete (select [] "owners"))
let o = val myOwner
case o of
@ -1209,6 +1338,14 @@ startAPI config = do
case o1 of
Doc d1 -> access pipe master "test" (insert_ "owners" d1)
_ -> fail "Couldn't save Owner1 in DB"
let o2 = val myOwner2
case o2 of
Doc d2 -> access pipe master "test" (insert_ "owners" d2)
_ -> fail "Couldn't save Owner2 in DB"
let o3 = val myOwner3
case o3 of
Doc d3 -> access pipe master "test" (insert_ "owners" d3)
_ -> fail "Couldn't save Owner2 in DB"
_ <- access pipe master "test" (Database.MongoDB.delete (select [] "orders"))
myTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let myOrder =