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ZGo Payment Gateway plugin for Woocommerce

Contributors: Tags: WordPres, WooCommerce, payments, ecommerce, e-commerce, store, sales, sell, shop, shopping, cart, checkout Requires at least : Wordpress 6, WooCommerce 7 Tested up to: WordPress 6.1.1, WooComerce 7.1,0 Requires PHP: 7.1 Stable tag: 1.0

ZGo's payment processing solution for WooCommerce. This plugin implements a payment gateway to let buyers pay with Zcash


To Do


  1. Get your ZGo's OwnerID and Token for Woocommerce from your ZGo Shop Account
  2. Download the zgopmtggwy installation package from Gitlab??? /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. In WooCommerce Settings page go to the Payment Gateways tab, then click on "ZGo Payment", you will be redirected to ZGo Payment Settings page
  4. Fill the ZGo OwnerId and ZGo Token fields
  5. Click "Save changes" and return to WooCommerce Payments Tab
  6. Check "Enable" button. The credentials will be verified and the plugin will be activated if they are confirmed.


To Do


To Do


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Authors and acknowledgment

To Do


License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Project status
