#57 - Sapling address in Human Readable format #57

reneve merged 0 commits from rvv040 into dev040 2024-04-10 16:35:40 +00:00
reneve commented 2024-04-10 14:41:30 +00:00 (Migrated from git.vergara.tech)

Function getSaplingFromUA added to Orchar.hs module.

Receives a Unified address in HRF as parameter and returns the corresponding Sapling Receiver in HRF (if exists) otherwise it returns "Nothing".
An invalid UA returns "Nothing"

Function getSaplingFromUA added to Orchar.hs module. Receives a Unified address in HRF as parameter and returns the corresponding Sapling Receiver in HRF (if exists) otherwise it returns "Nothing". An invalid UA returns "Nothing"
pitmutt (Migrated from git.vergara.tech) reviewed 2024-04-10 16:36:06 +00:00
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